By Tammy Moore Teague
A passion to serve, and a heart for the community. That’s an accurate description of Zach Johnson. “My passion is simply to serve others. I enjoy helping people out and have been blessed to find so many great groups, and folks, who help me to do this very thing,” stated Johnson.

Johnson and his wife of 19 years, Angela, have three children: Trystan, 19, Connor, 16 and Jordyn, 8. Johnson currently calls Fort Smith home, however he is active through all of Sebastian county. He currently serves as the President of Focus on Greenwood;
Board member for Kiwanis of Fort Smith; Positive People of Fort Smith Administration member; Salvation Army Advisory Board; President of the Western Arkansas Veteran Coalition; Member of VFW 8245 (Hartford/Huntington); Board Member for the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of the Lavaca Chamber of Commerce.
He is an alumnus of Van Buren High School and attended Ottawa University in Kansas, on an Athletic Scholarship. Additionally, Johnson served 20 Years of military service as an Aircraft Electrician with the 188th Fighter Wing. Throughout that time Johnson served on two deployments to Afghanistan and one deployment to Iraq.
Johnson currently serves as Sebastian County Assessor. “I had worked in or around the Assessor’s office since the late 90’s,” added Johnson. “I’ve been blessed to work with many great elected officials. Whether they realize it or not, they have all influenced me and helped me to become the person I am today. When it became time to decide on running, I knew that my heart was called to serve others and that with the experience I’ve been blessed to gain over my time, this was the position where I could do the most good.”
Johnson has spent his lifetime in service to others. It’s been an honor and privilege to feature him in our Hometown Highlight!
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