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Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

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By Sheri Hopkins, Lifestyle Contributor

Hello everyone! Such a beautiful three days we have had here in the River Valley. The mornings are just like fall. I can’t wait for fall. I love that time of year and the ones that know me, know that I love Halloween. I give out full size candy at my house and I have had to have someone direct traffic in front of my house because of all the cars. It was a regular traffic jam.

This week I am going to talk about my nephew, Michael, Judge Wagoner. We always have a good laugh when he’s around. I will start off by saying he is married to Tonya Wagoner. She is beautiful inside and out. I have to say this, she is older than him. I am not saying you can tell by looking at her, because you can’t. They decided to go to Cheddars and take their youngest daughter, Raylee, to eat for her birthday. Tonya drops Michael off at the door and he goes in and gets them on the waiting list. He gets in and tells them how many and they told him they could seat him immediately. He calls Tonya and tells her. They seat him and here comes Tonya, Raylee and Granny B. They told the hostess that he had been seated and she says, “you mean the elderly gentleman?” He’s fifty, so I can see where they would think he was elderly. They get seated and after they have the laughs over him being elderly, an actual elderly couple come by their table and the lady says to Tonya, “you are so beautiful, you just lit up the room when you came in.” How do you think that set with her elderly husband? We have laughed and laughed about him being elderly. I’m elderly, there is nothing wrong with it. Don’t knock it, you will get there eventually.

Michael text me one evening and asked if I wanted to go with them to Panama, OK to watch our niece, Leah, play softball. Of course, if there is a wheel turning, I’m on it. I would love to go. We get there and we are dragging our lawn chairs, and it was hot. Michael has the lawn chair that rocks and I said, “you are going to fall backwards in that chair.” We get all lined up along the fence and we are sitting by his sister, Kelly, who works at the school, his niece Kendall and her friend Kendra. His wife Tonya is there, and we are all laughing and having a good time and all of a sudden Michael yells, “I’m going down!” Yes, he fell backwards in that dumb chair and his sister Kelly yells “get up, I work here!” I just turned and looked at him and Tonya, his wife, never even flinched. My niece Kendall says, “Sheri, you called it!” We can’t take him anywhere! But we laughed and laughed at him on the ground. Glad he wasn’t hurt. We had a good time, and he was just a little sore the next day. Always an adventure with the Wags are together. We usually make a scene when we go somewhere. It wouldn’t be fun if we didn’t.

Y’all have a wonderful week and be kind and always smile. Hug your loved ones and tell them you love them.

8 oz. of cream cheese softened
1 1/4 cups creamy peanut butter
3/4 cup powdered sugar
8 oz. of Cool Whip
19″ chocolate ready-made pie crust
1 cup mini peanut butter cups (chopped)
In a bowl combine the cream cheese, 1 cup of peanut butter and the powdered sugar. Beat with a mixer until smooth, fold in the Cool Whip. Pour this mixture into the chocolate crust and chill until firm. Decorate the top with chopped peanut butter cups. Use the peanut butter that’s left and melt it (I like to put a little powdered sugar and milk in it). Mix it good and drizzle over the pie. Keep in the refrigerator.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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