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Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

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By Sheri Hopkins

Hello everyone! The drought is over in our area. I heard we got over ten inches. We sure needed the rain. Even though I can’t see good to drive in the rain or at dark. I just don’t see like I did when I was a young person. I have run over cures and had a fender bender with a couple people. My whole family says that I can’t drive. Ethan got a new car back in April and I have yet to be behind the wheel. I have asked and asked. He says, “No Nana, I will drive.” He says I don’t have a good track record. One time Jacob and I were going somewhere, before he was married, and I was driving, and I could hear him mumbling something. I wanted to know what he was saying. He was over there in that passenger seat praying, “Lord please don’t let there be roads in heaven.” Can you believe that? I have survived 46 years driving and I think I am a pretty good driver.

When we were young, I didn’t even have a driver’s license yet and my mom would send me to the Countryboy to get stuff she needed. I remember when my daddy was teaching me to drive, we were pulling out onto the highway, and I was trying so hard to do good and I saw a car way down the road and decided to wait on it. My dad was a very patient man. Finally, he says, “sis, you set here long enough one is sure to come along.” See how suttle he was? He didn’t want to get onto me.

Back to Jacob. He loves to point out all the crazy stuff I have done. Well, his first trip to Universal studios I called him to ask him all about it, and he says, “there are a lot of Philippians here.” Philippians? Hmmm..I am thinking like in the Bible? What he meant to say was Filipino. That was so funny. I had a great uncle that was Filipino. His name was Seri Clemente, he was the nicest man. He was married to my great-aunt Exie. Let me tell ya, I think I get a lot of my personality for her.

She was so funny; she loved telling stories and embarrassing my uncle. He was a preacher and very strait laced and didn’t go for any funny business. She was the total opposite. The good ole days when they would come visit from Oregon, we had some fun times. This week’s recipe is a banana bread made with a cake mix, I am for anything easy peasy. I love banana bread and I have a recipe, but I will not share it till I die, and I will leave instructions for my family to share it. I guess I should say if it’s not too much trouble for Jacob to do it. You know him and my funeral situation. I will have to write my obituary and make my own arrangements.

1 box yellow cake mix
3 eggs
1/3 cup oil
3-5 mashed ripe bananas (they must be ripe)
1 cup chopped nuts.
Preheat the oven to 350-degree, grease two loaf pans. Mix all the ingredients together until well blended and then stir in the nuts and then divide between the two loaf pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let it cool and remove from the pan. I always wrap my bread in Saran Wrap. If you are going to freeze, wrap in saran wrap and foil. You can substitute the yellow cake mix for a spice cake mix or a banana cake mix.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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