By Sheri Hopkins, Lifestyle Contributor
Hello everyone! If you are reading this then I guess the wind didn’t blow you away on Friday. Good thing I am a plus size gal, because a skinny gal would be in Mississippi by now.
Speaking of plus size gals, I know this subject is the elephant in the room, and nobody wants to talk about it, but I am back at funerals. I was talking with a friend of mine and I won’t tell you her name, but she is the editor of a local paper. I know a lot of people don’t know this, but my husband, Chuck, was cremated. He told me before he died to cremate him, and I told him that when he died that I would do anything I wanted. He knew how stubborn I was.
Some people don’t know this but if you are a large person, you have to special order a casket and they cost more money. I would have to have ordered a casket, so I decided to let him have his wishes. It was very hard for me to do because that would have been the last thing I could have been rebellious over.
I am telling y’all all of this to tell you that you can order large caskets online cheaper, and I would do that but if I did, where would I store it? My friend suggested we could store it and put moth balls in it. We would go into eternity smelling like an old lady’s winder coat. There are pros and cons to buying in advance.
So not only do I have to find eight pallbears, I have to order an extra-large casket. If my obituary reads that I was cremated, you will know that Jacob decided to take a vacation to Bora Bora, and he will be on the first flight out after the service. Well, that is if I decided not to have the service where my mom and dad are buried because that’s too far for him to drive.
I just wanted to make y’all laugh this week. My son does love me, he just doesn’t want to drive far for a funeral service. I guess I could buy him a gift card for gas if I decide to have it at Bud Davis Cemetery outside of Booneville. Y’all have a good week and don’t dwell on your funeral, just let your folks worry with it.
1 box of yellow cake mix
1 15 oz. can of sliced peaches (do not drain)
3 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
8 oz. of cream cheese
4 tablespoons of butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 cups of powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 350. The recipe calls for a bundt pan, but mind sticks, so cake pan it is. Spray your cake pan with non-stick spray. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cake mix, eggs and oil. Mix well and add the peaches and the juice (I would take my potato masher and chop up the peaches a little). Bake for approximately 45 minutes or until done. Let it cool before you spread the icing on. If you don’t want to use the cream cheese icing, a vanilla canned frosting will work. Enjoy!