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Fort Smith
Friday, March 14, 2025

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

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By Sheri Hopkins, Lifestyle Contributor

Hello everyone! Such beautiful weather in the River Valley. By the time you read this, you will either be mad or happy over the outcome of the Super Bowl. I didn’t have a dog in the fight so it didn’t matter to me. Y’all know I’m a Steelers fan.

I have all kinds of stories I remember through the week then when it’s time to write my column, I forget, so I have started writing them down. I was talking to Jacob and Loren on the phone the other night and he starts telling me “…Now mom they have this stuff called creatine, you need to get some and take it for Alzheimer’s.” First it was Life Alert, now it’s creatine. What next? I think Mr. Smarty needs to stay in his lane. Enough about my son who thinks he’s the boss of me. I know I’m getting old.

I had a lady friend that was in the nursing home that I used to go visit. I was visiting her one day and it was time for lunch, so she wanted me to go with her. On our way to the dining room, she starts telling me about this man she wants me to meet. She was trying to find me a boyfriend at the nursing home! I look back on it now and it really wasn’t a bad idea. I could visit him there and go home. I wouldn’t have to clean up after him, no laundry, no cooking for him. What was I thinking? I should have went for him. What a perfect marriage that would have been. If y’all see me out visiting nursing homes, don’t judge me. Ha, ha!!!

I was thinking about my E’s, which are my grandkids, Ethan, Evan, and Ella. They keep my young and on my toes. Here a while back, Evan had a cough. They tested for flu, Covid and strep–all negative. He could not shake the cough. Ethan as serious as he could be said, “Nana do you think Evan has tuberculosis?” What in the world? I didn’t’ think kids these days knew what tuberculosis was. I laughed and laughed about that. Evan got an Xray, and he was fine. No TB, and he finally got over his cough.

Hope y’all have a great week. Have a little funny for y’all. When God created bifocals, it was His way of saying keep your chin up!

I made the best cake this week. I have given the recipe before, but y’all might have forgot about it. I did the icing a little different, too.

1 lemon cake mix
1 can of Mountain Dew soda (12 oz.)
1 regular tub of Cool Whip
1 regular box of lemon Jello
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, spray your pan with nonstick spray. Mix your cake mix (dry) with the can of Mountain Dew. Mix with your hand mixer. Put it in the pan and bake it for about 25 minutes (I had to do 28 minutes). My oven gets hotter, so you might do 30. Just check it with a toothpick after 25 minutes. When the cake is completely cooled, take your tub of Cool Whip and your Jello and mix together with your hand mixer and ice your cake. Keep it in the refrigerator. It was so good and moist. It was delicious. If you don’t like lemon, use a strawberry. You can use strawberry cake with strawberry soda pop and strawberry Jello, or you could even use orange. Just make what you like, I’m a lemon lover.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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