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Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Just Roll with It” Serving up Recipes and Humor

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By Sheri Hopkins, Lifestyle Contributor

Hello everyone! Hot day here in the river valley. We knew it was coming, just was hoping not till July.

If my family ever disowns me because I tell stories on them, just know they are true. Craziness runs in our family. If you marry one of us, eventually you will start acting like us, just FYI. You know “my nephew” I talk about is always pulling a stunt. He wears these crazy t-shirts. He has a Garfield one, bird nerd (because he is a bird watcher), Floyd from the Andy Griffith show, and a shirt that is pink and says Pink Floyd. The list is endless. He’s a nerd and he knows it. He is over the Awanas at his church. They were having a party, and it was his job to go get a cake. Keep in mind, his wife is nothing like him. So, he goes to the Walmart bakery and asks them if they can write on a cake. Of course they can, they would be happy to do it. Instead of getting something like “party time” or “have a great summer,” he has the lady to write “good luck Hal on your surgery.” He doesn’t know a Hal and done it as a joke. He takes it to church, and they have the party, and everyone is looking at the cake and wondering who this Hal is that is having surgery. If they were like me, they would want all the details on poor Hal. His poor wife thinks he bought it because it was on sale because someone didn’t pick up this cake for Hal. I have to admit, it was a good one. I wish I would have thought to do something like that. Some of the church ladies were whispering, “who is Hal?” I’m sure there was a Hal somewhere in the world having surgery. He does stuff like this all the time.

My brother, his wife and me are going on vacation next month. We are going to Mt. Airy, North Carolina, Andy Griffith’s hometown. I am sure I will have a lot of stories when I get back. Have a wonderful week, and remember when you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you!

This week’s recipe is a good dessert to make for the hot weather. It is light and easy, enjoy!

1 15.5 oz. box of white cake mix (made according to the box instructions)
3.4 oz. box of instant white chocolate pudding
2 cups cold milk
8 oz. tub of Cool Whip
21 oz. can of cherry pie filling
Bake the cake according to the box directions in a 9×13 pan. When the cake is done, while still warm, poke holes in it. I use the end of a wooden spoon or a plastic spoon. In a bowl combine the two cups of milk with the pudding and whisk or mix it good. Pour the pudding into the holes on the warm cake. Spread it around all over the top. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple hours till completely cooled. Put the Cool Whip on top and then dollop the cherry pie filling on top of the cake. You can mix it and make it look all swirly if you would like. Eat it while it’s cold and enjoy. Keep it in the fridge. For a twist you can use cheesecake flavored pudding instead of white chocolate.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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