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Ladd Announces Candidacy For New Sebastian County Circuit Judge Seat

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Dianna Hewitt Ladd has announced that she will be a candidatefor the Sebastian County Judge’s position, which was just recently added by the Arkansas Legislature.  “I am very excited that the Arkansas Legislature has added another Judge’s position to help relieve our current caseload in Sebastian County. This will mean quicker and better access to the Courts for Sebastian County residents.”  The election for the new position will be held on March 3, 2020.   This particular position will hear family law cases such as Juvenile cases, Adoptions, Guardianships and Probate, as well as Civil disputes.   “It is important that that Sebastian County elects someone who has professional and personal insight into these very emotional cases.”

“For nearly 20 years, I have been helping Sebastian Countyfamilies and individuals through complex and emotional legal matters.    More often than not, the Courts are involved. Helping people move through the Courts and to the other side of a problematic situation is very rewarding.   The most natural next step for my work in the community is public service.”

Ladd, 50, earned a Bachelor’s degree in 1996 from John Brown University where she was on the Dean’s and President’s Academic lists. She graduated with a Juris Doctorate Degree from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 2000.

“As a Judge, I would ensure integrity and fairness are paramount.   It is critically important that Sebastian County residents have confidence that they will receive a fair day in Court, without politics or favoritism playing a part, and that they have a Judge who has real experience.”

Ladd has been a resident of the River Valley for about 40 years.   After graduating from law school, she resided in Greenwood andworked in private practice.  “While District Court and Circuit Court are very different, I have extensive experience in both Courts.  I have tried hundreds of cases in Sebastian County Circuit Court and have served as the District Court Prosecuting Attorney for several area cities within and outside of Sebastian County for approximately 17 years.  I have also served as a Special Judge numerous times during my legal career. “  

She currently serves on the School Board for Immaculate Conception School in Fort Smith and she actively volunteers for the Don Reynolds Crisis Intervention Center as a Sexual Assault Response Advocate.   After serving as an active member for the Junior League of Fort Smith from 2008-2015, she continues to support the non-profit as a Sustainer. She has also served as a member of Women with A Mission for the Mercy Health Foundation and was a former Cabinet Head for Greenwood Division of the United Way, as well as a former President of the South Sebastian County Lion’s Club. Ladd received an award for Best Oral Advocate in law school and was in the Time Record Best of the Best top 3 for 2018.  She is licensed to practice law in all Arkansas trial Courts, the Arkansas Court of Appeals and the Arkansas Supreme Court, as well as the 8thCircuit Court of Appeals.  She and her husband Jeff Laddcelebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in July. They reside in Fort Smith with their two children, Reece and Knox.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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