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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lady Hornets Bag The Rattlers

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In last nights square off between the Hackett Lady Hornets and the Magazine Lady Rattlers, the Lady Hornets managed to stay on top of their defensive skills which ended up victoriously paying off in the end. After five intense innings, Hackett wrangled themselves a 17-2 win against Magazine. The Lady Hornets upgraded their season total record to 17-4.

#15 Madi Taylor

In the first inning alone, the Lady Hornets brought in 10 runs. Putting up the runs were Jamye Durham with four, Autum Neal, Kayla Richardson, Madi Taylor, Sarah White, and Shayla Foster with two each, and with one apiece was Audrie Chaney, Madeline Freeman, and Emma Infalt.

#21 Sarah White

Autum also reaped three hits, three runners batted in, and one steal. Audrie pinned two hits, two RBI, one steal and six putouts. Kadence Glass made one hit. Madeline nailed one steal, one RBI, and one assist. Jamye captured two steals, two hits, one RBI, two putouts, and three assists. Madi cinched one hit, two RBI, and one steal.

#11 Jamye Durham

Sarah earned two hits and six putouts. Emma obtained three hits and two RBI. Shayla landed two RBI and one hit. And pitcher Kayla Richardson threw 88 pitches to 23 batters striking out seven. She also scored three steals, one RBI, one putout, and three assists.

#5 Kayla Richardson

With one conference game left on the season, the Lady Hornets are anxious to get the show on the road. The girls are sitting at 4-1 in conference play and come this Thursday, April 18, they look to upgrade that first number. Hackett will be playing the 5-6 Lady Dragons at 4 p.m in Mountainburg.

Hackett Lady Hornet Team Managers

Thank you to Tanya White for your amazing game pictures!

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