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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lasagna Gardening Method

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Building a lasagna garden is like getting the results from composting even faster. It also helps with saving money on potting soil right now. And if you are curious, it has nothing to do with what you are growing, but rather the method in which you plant your garden.

I’ll be the first to say I don’t actually garden properly most of the time. My plants are either over watered or on the more neglected side. It’s just who I am, stuff has to be tough to hang around… or talk a lot like my kids. I kid.

I’ll share the proper lasagna gardening techniques and then explain what I do, which is the not technical side. Maybe you can find a happy ground somewhere here.

To begin, your garden needs a boundary. Cinder blocks, lots, stones, or whatever else creates built up sides works here. I used tires. You can completely ignore the ground underneath.

Start with some newspaper flat on the ground, cardboard works too. Then alternate “browns and greens”, this means anything you could compost can go straight into your garden. Browns are things like newspaper, cardboard, small sticks and limbs, rabbit or cow poop, etc. Greens are grass clippings, vegetable and fruit scraps, etc. It is not recommended to use any scraps that would attract animals digging around. 

Just like with a compost during the early stages it’s best to keep the mixture damp, but not wet. This allows them all to blend together and provide the most rich soil.

Here is where I just began probably not how recommended. To be proper, you should let the layers condense down before proceeding to plant. Ideally, wait until the soil is more settled together. If there isn’t time, add a layer of potting soil and go ahead and begin planting.

When using a deep pot or container lasagna gardening uses far less store bought potting soil and overtime can yield even richer soil. 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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