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Monday, March 17, 2025

Local Author Working on Third Book in Motorcycle Club Romance Series

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If you’re an avid reader and a fan of romance featuring motorcycle clubs, be sure to add the novels of local author Harlow Brown to your quarantine reading list. Harlow (aka Brandi Lanning) is one busy lady – business ventures and sporting events – but she recently took the time to sit down and talk to me about her books.

ML: Tell me about yourself.

HB: I’m a small town girl from Cedarville. I wear lots of hats. I’m a hairdresser, nurse, and author. Recently, I’ve started up a soap business with two of my friends called The Dirty Trifecta.
I’m married to my high school sweetheart and we have two kids and stay busy with their sports.

ML: What inspired you to be a writer?

HB: Ha! Fifty Shades of Grey and a celebrity crush on Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy. I hated reading until FSOG came out. It wasn’t until I found out Charlie Hunnam was cast as Christian Grey that I even read the novels I had heard stories about them but I HAD to know what I was ultimately going to go see in the theater. So, I read them and I was hooked. I fell in love with reading romance novels. I haven’t stopped reading since.

ML: Tell me about Charlie’s Whiskey and Rumor’s Fury.

HB: Both novels are Motorcycle club romance.

Charlie’s Whiskey is my debut novel. It’s about a girl that’s been in an abusive relationship. She copes with it for years by pouring her heart and soul into her women’s softball team. She finally gets her lid full and gets out of the situation. She goes to her best friends house to escape. There she meets a boy that’s made poor life choices and is starting anew. The only thing is he belongs to a motorcycle club and Charlie wants no part of men. Especially ones that are rough around the edges. A little romance and a side of revenge add some depth to their love story.

Rumor’s Fury is the second novel in the series. Rumor plays softball with Charlie. Her luck with romance is nonexistent. It’s tragic at best. Not looking for love, she meets Fury. He’s in the motorcycle club with Whiskey. However, Fury has a secret that could kill some important people in his life. Rumor has had it with secrets in her life and refuses to accept anything but the truth. Fury has a choice between keeping loved ones safe and finally finding happiness with Rumor.

ML: I’m so jealous of your trip to Australia. Please tell me how this trip came about and your adventures while there.

HB: I was invited to 2 book signings in Australia. I have a dear friend and author, Kathleen Kelly, that lives there. She showed me some of the sights of Oz. I fell in love with Sydney and the Opera House. I got to pet a koala and kangaroo, both were bucket list items. I saw the coast and met the most wonderful people. If you get a chance to visit, do it. It’s so worth it.

ML: Do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you deal with it?

HB: Yes! I’ve dealt with it for a couple months now. So I read and re-read the end of Rumor’s Fury trying to pick up where I left off. That didn’t work well. So I scrapped it and started over. My advice to authors that are struggling is to put it down and walk away. Pick it up with fresh eyes and don’t be afraid to start over. Also, brainstorming. Aka word stew. Just write. Write anything. Words won’t flow if you don’t get them down. And don’t think you’ll remember something for later on. You won’t. Write it down.

ML: How can we get your books, where are they available?

HB: So, my books are Amazon exclusive. You can search Harlow Brown or the titles and it’ll pull up. However, I have some on hand and you can email me at harlowbrownauthor@gmail.com. We can work something out if you’d like a signed copy.

ML: Plans for book 3? Or other writing plans/goals?

HB: Book 3 is Magnum’s Raige. It’s about a troubled girl that is wild as they come and a bad boy that tries to help her. It’s in the works.

I would love to write more. Nonfiction, fiction, or articles. I just love writing. Find me on Facebook or email me at email given above.

Also, life is short. ~Don’t Look Back~

Harlow in Australia at the Sydney Harbour Bridge
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