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Fort Smith
Monday, March 17, 2025

Local Couple Hosts Food Drive

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There are people in this world who sit around and bend the ears of all who will listen about the troubles that our community and our nation is in. Then there are those who get up and try to do something about changing the world, or at least their little corner of it.

Michelle “Frog” Jennings and Richard Griffith got up on Saturday, September 21 and, with the blessings of CV’s Family Foods, set up some folding tables and borrowed a canopy and held a canned and non-perishable food drive for the local food pantry. The food pantry is called “Jude 22” and is housed in the Lavaca Assembly of God Church and headed by Stephanie Hubbard. Frog went to local businesses and got free food vouchers from local restaurants. Then she gave a ticket to each person that donated an item or left money to buy food. When the day was done, she held a drawing to see who had won the prizes.

When the day was done, Frog and “Griff” had collected over $260 in cash. They went right into CVs and spent almost every dime on more food. All said and done, they donated somewhere around 500 pounds of food to the local food pantry!

A big thank you to the following business who donated the prizes: R & A’s Drive-In, Steffey’s Pizza, Rub Em Tender BBQ, and to Frog for donating a $50 Walmart Gift Card! The winners were: Andrew White-$50 Gift Card, Brittney McConnell-$25 R & A’s Gift Card, Carli Wilson-$20 Steffey’s Gift Card, Kevin Arrendondo-$20 Steffey’s Gift Card, Linda Durnam won the 2 large Pumpkin Spice Latte Candles.

Frog and Griff were the couple who stood in the rain several weeks ago, collecting dog food and supplies for the Charleston Dog Shelter. These two have a heart for helping and we are lucky to have such caring folks in our town.

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