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Fort Smith
Monday, March 17, 2025

Local Homeschooler Opportunities

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A big question that comes up when mentioning a child is homeschooled is “How will they socialize?”. 

It’s a fair question, most of the socializing children do is at school. Children also have the chance to socialize at parks, church, grocery stores, and in homeschool groups or co-ops!

The Dayton community has a homeschool co-op organized by Stephanie Young. A homeschool co-op has classes at a set time for students to attend. Currently Dayton is in their fall semester. 

The classes aren’t always curriculum based, they often teach life skills or provide a fun way to learn about academia. Many may not think of Lego blocks as a way to learn about engineering but it is! Additionally, classes like “Once Upon a Platter” have been introducing participants to a variety of foods and how to arrange them. 

Scott County has its own homeschool group. A homeschool group differs in that it doesn’t have the class style that a co-op does. A group is more focused on allowing students to socialize. The Scott County group is planning story times at the local library and field trips for participants. 

Things like a trip to the county fair, attending the book fair at the school, and weather talk with Zachary Hall have already happened for the fall semester. Providing homeschool students with some of the enrichment traditional schools gets to enjoy. Beyond the traditional schooling events that often occur things such as Homeschool days at state parks and camping trips are in the plans giving homeschoolers a chance to be around others and learn in fun new ways. 

Homeschooling doesn’t have to be done as an island alone. There are other people who are on the same journey. 

If you are interested in finding out more about the Dayton Co-op contact Stephanie Young by email at t21mom@gmail.com. 

If you are interested in finding out more about the Waldron/Scott County Homeschool group contact Jenna Shaddon by email at wscarha@gmail.com.

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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