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Friday, March 14, 2025

Magazine Schools Ranks High in State ACT Benchmarks

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By Jonathan W. Gipson

MAGAZINE – Magazine Schools was recently ranked in the Top 8 percent of all school districts in the state of Arkansas for juniors meeting all four of the ACT readiness benchmarks (Math, Science, English and Reading) during the 2023-24 school year.

Magazine, which was 22nd out of 249 districts, prides itself in providing the best academic opportunities for its students as well as offering student services and extracurricular opportunities to ensure its students a well-rounded education.

Students at the South Logan County school can receive college credit through free concurrent college courses and are offered trade and college and career readiness opportunities to prepare for life after high school, and Magazine Elementary is the only elementary school in Logan County to receive the prestigious R.I.S.E Award for reading initiatives.

All Magazine students receive free breakfast, gourmet lunch and afternoon snack each school day and have the benefit of an on-campus health-and-wellness center throughout the school year.

Magazine offers several student organizations and activities for students of all interests, like an award-winning Beta Club, Future Farmers of America Chapter, Future Business Leaders of America Chapter, Band and Choir to name a few.

Magazine students have the opportunity to compete in a total of 15 varsity sports for boys and girls, including a tradition-rich and highly-successful cross country program and a recently added volleyball program that qualified for the region tournament in its first season of eligibility.

Magazine Schools was the first school district in Logan County to receive the prestigious Purple Star School Designation in recognition of its support for students and families of military members. The school not only offers services for military families and their students but also recognizes them throughout the school year. 

For families who do not live within the Magazine School District but wish to attend, the Arkansas School Choice Act is an option. Arkansas School Choice enables students in grades K-12 to attend a school in a nonresident district.

The application process for Arkansas School Choice for the 2025-26 school year begins Jan. 1 and runs through May 1. Applications are available at the Magazine Schools Administration Building and online by visiting www.magazineschoolsk12.com//page/school-enrollment.

For questions about Magazine Schools or about enrolling your child in Magazine Schools through the Arkansas School Choice Act, please contact Superintendent Dr. Beth Shumate at 1-866-900-2001.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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