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Mansfield City Council Approves 2025 Budget

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The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday evening, November 21 at 6 p.m. All members of the council were present including Julie Thomas, James Steele, Glen Hurt, Beverly Lyons, Sheri Hopkins and Boyd Farmer. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black, Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker and City Attorney Travis Plummer.

After calling the meeting to order members of the council approved the minutes and financials presented from the October meeting and the special called meeting on November 14. Next, the council heard the city services reports.

Mayor Black reminded everyone in the audience that this was an official meeting and asked that comments and questions held until the appropriate and allotted time according to the agenda.

Fire Chief Michael Smith reported a total of 56 calls, seven fire and 29 EMS, noting “we have had a busy month so far.” Smith stated that the November election for the Scott County side (voting center at the Mansfield fire station) went well. Now, Smith stated, they are getting ready for the Christmas parade and the West Fraser sponsored turkey and ham give away to be held at the fire station (December 11 at 10 a.m. until gone). Lastly, Smith stated that all trucks were up and running, and that as of November 18, he had worked a total of 200 plus hours for the month.

Next, the police department report. Mayor Black reminded everyone that Chief Wayne Robb would be retiring next month, and that he had hired a new Chief of Police, Wyatt McIntyre. McIntyre’s first day on the job is slated for December 9.

Chief Robb reported a total of 38 calls, 10 agency assists, four school calls, three medical calls, five total incident and arrest reports, one total accident report, one DWI arrest, two adult arrests and two animal calls. In Scott County, there were 12 citations, and 15 violations issued. In Sebastian County, there were five citations, and nine violations issued, including one felony and one misdemeanor arrest.

Public Works Director Derek Pollard reported 120 service orders completed, 59 One Call requests complete, eight water leaks repaired, one sewer line jetted and cleared, one sewer main repaired and that the Christmas decorations had been hung up. Pollard also updated the council on the R&R gas line project, noting that it was ongoing and working in phase two.

In matters of unfinished business, the council approved the purchase of two new pumps and motors for the pump station.

Mayor Black updated the council on the smoke test results, noting that it was worse than they thought with 84 sites or leaks. Black added that he had contacted WHO engineering and they are preparing a proposal to address those.

In matters of new business, the presentation of the 2025 budget. Councilman Farmer made the motion to approve the budget, Lyons seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

At this time, the council approved the 3% raise across the board for all city employees. The motion was made and unanimously passed to include the mayor and city recorder in that pay raise. Black noted that he had included a $300 per month pay raise for the fire chief, noting, “he deserves more than that for what he does for the city.” Councilwoman Thomas inquired about the raises for the volunteer members. After some discussion, it was decided to give the volunteers a $5 increase in incident pay. Officer pay per incident is now $30 and members $25. Meeting pay is $15 for officers and $10 for members.

Councilwoman Lyons inquired what other departments were paying their members, Smith noted that he was not aware of that. They would go on to discuss how many members attend meetings, to which Smith stated usually there are five, including himself. Among the discussion, training time for the members. “The trouble is, not enough people are willing to show up for classes for us to get an academy instructor to come,” stated Smith.

Next, the consideration of the retired elected official’s annual increase. Councilman Steele made the motion to take no action, Lyons seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Councilman Hurt would abstain. Voting to take no action: Steele, Thomas, Hopkins, and Lyons. Opposing that vote, Councilman Farmer.

Before adjourning, the announcement was made about the upcoming Christmas parade on Saturday, December 7 at 2 p.m. with beans and cornbread served at noon. Also, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony to be held on December 6 at 6 p.m.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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