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Mansfield City Council Approves Lease for New Trash Truck

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in a regularly scheduled session on Thursday evening, July 15 at 6 p.m. Members of the council present included Julie Thomas, James Steele, Jan Carlton, Beverly Lyons, Bobby Musgrove, and Sheri Hopkins. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black, and Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker.

Following the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, the council voted to approve the minutes of the June 17 meeting. Next, the council heard the city services reports.

Fire Chief Michael Smith was not present, and Mayor Black read the fire report. The department has had a total of 44 calls, four fire and 40 EMS. Smith’s report noted that Jason Teague had completed his first responder course, and was awaiting final testing. Teague has been riding with Sebastian County EMS and is now able to respond. This gives the city a total of three first responders. The department assisted with the Fourth of July fireworks show and raised $304 selling hot dogs and nachos in the concession stand. Smith extended his gratitude towards Jason Baggett and the Huntington Fire Department for their assistance in that event. According to his report, Smith has worked a total of 248 plus hours this month.

Mansfield Police Chief Wayne Robb was present to give his report. Councilwoman Thomas asked about preparations for the upcoming school year with the absence of the acting School Resource Officer, Sean White.

Public Works Director Joe Manes stated his department has had a lot going on and has been short-handed. He reported on mechanical issues with both of the trash trucks. A representative from Municipal Territory was in attendance and presented the council with a proposal on a new trash truck lease agreement. That agreement includes a new 2021 PB 337 20 yard New Way Cobra for $165,500.00. The estimated payments are for 36 months at $2,688.80 with a balloon payment of $77,500. The city will have the option in three years to return the truck and get a new one or keep it and pay the balloon payment. In a unanimous vote by the council, approval was given to enter into a lease agreement with Municipal Territory.

The council voted to amend the agenda to include the hiring of a new full-time employee for the public works department. Steele made the motion to hire Bradley Himes, Thomas seconded. In a vote of 5-1, the motion passed. Voting for: Steele, Carlton, Thomas, Lyons, and Musgrove. Voting against, Hopkins.

Lastly, City Attorney Travis Plummer reported on the resolutions and ordinances he was working on. Those include a revised fireworks ordinance and a policy on sewer and water adjustments.

In the next item of business, approving a new roof on the Mansfield Senior Citizen’s building. The council reviewed two bids, one from Barnes Roofing for $19,950.00, and the other from Guy Dickinson for $29,500.00. Alderman Steele made the motion to accept the bid from Barnes Roofing, Lyons seconded. In a vote of 4-2, the bid was awarded to Barnes roofing. Voting for: Steele, Hopkins, Lyons, and Musgrove. Voting against: Carlton and Thomas.

Next, the council discussed establishing a policy to set sewer and water adjustments. That policy would include an adjustment on wastewater when filing a swimming pool or watering a garden.

In items of new business, the council voted unanimously to establish bulk water rates. The council voted unanimously to charge a $100 minimum fee for 5,000 gallons of bulk water. Next, the discussion of condemning dangerous and unsightly buildings. No action was taken on the item. Lastly, the council discussed with the city attorney revisions for a fireworks ordinance. This would allow for the selling of fireworks in the city, with a license. The seller must make visible to the customer the city’s ordinance on when the fireworks can be used. The revision also includes a fine of (first offense) $25, (second offense) $100, and (third offense) $500.

Before adjourning, the mayor announced the upcoming fishing derby, scheduled for August 7 from 8-10 a.m. at the city lake park. The derby will be for children ages 3-15 years of age.

With no other items of business, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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