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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mansfield City Council, December

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting, Thursday, December, 15th at Mansfield City Hall. In attendance were the City Council members –  Dave Johnson, Nathan Sterling, Beverly Lyons, Rick McDaniel, and Sheri Hopkins, Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer – Becky Walker, Mansfield Mayor – Larry Austin,  and Mansfield Police Chief – Boyd Farmer, as well as a many citizens, and business owners of our area.
No questions or comments regarding the November minutes. Motion made to accept, and seconded. All in favor of the November minutes.
No questions or comments regarding the November Financial Statement. Motion made to accept, and seconded. All in favor of the November minutes.
Mansfield Public Works Department
Mayor Austin addressed the board as they continue to advertise for a D2 licensed water manager. “We’re 6 months away from having a licensed water manager” stated Austin.
Board member asked “I’m worried that were going to get fined, and  if fined, it will be stiff”
Mayor responded that “a contractor service can be looked at  if the board wanted to look at this as a solution.”
Board member asked “how long are they going to give us to fill the position.” Mayor responded “as long as we’re still in the process of searching, we should be fine. We shouldn’t have to spend a lot of money for a short term fix.
Arnold Elmore once mentioned of the existing issues needed attention when employed.
– Employees going to training, CL, Water manager, etc.
– Generator at sewer plant having electrical issues
Board member asked “how long will the smell continue?Mayor responded “the sewer plant has been treated, and treated regularly with the best product we could find. A lot of solids remained in the line from Hartford, and Midland which is attributing to the odor.”
Mansfield Police Department – Police Chief Boyd Farmer had no report. “A good Samaritan donated $1000 to the department, and will be used this Saturday for our “shop with a cop.”
Mansfield Fire Department : Chief, Stephen Haysmer was out on training. – No fire report
Board member“the fire dept needs to be commended for their work on the painting, lights and maintenance of the fire dept. I’ve had several positive comments about it, and it’s an area that doesn’t get enough credit.”
City Attorney – no report
Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer, Becky Walker reported that she was very thankful for everyone’s help with the parade. City hall was packed, $1000 donation was made from a good Samaritan. Robert Walker won the 50/50 at the parade, and he donated it back to the fund. She added that Fire Dept. looks really good, and I’m impressed with the Christmas tree at the new police dept.
Unfinished Business
A. Taylor House For Sale (offers) The sale of the Taylor House is closed. Buyer, Mary Byers paid $54,500. Mary Byers is  planning on putting in a car lot. $40k pays back the Police Dept remodel. Using $10k of that for possible roof repairs. if not, we’ll look at a new police vehicle.
B. Austin Handed out a summary of the 2017 budget to the board members. This needs action before Feb 1st.
Motion made to wait to January 17 before approval, Motion accepted, and seconded. All in favor.
Board member, Georganna Mabry entered the City Council meeting at 6:43pm

Becky Walker provided us the above image which illustrates the proposed water line addition along Henley Road.

C. (Referring to the above image) The red line is electric right away. $42k is engineer fee estimate. Contractors would be utilized rather then use City employees. “if approved, we’ll receive contracts, and open bids” stated Austin.
Board Member“This has to be done!”
Motion made to accept the engineers proposal to start the bid process, seconded. All in favor.
D. Landowner is paying for the contract, and engineer fees to be able to have access to Mansfield water. The only expense Mansfield will have is the installation of a $500 meter.
Motion made to approve the meter setting, seconded. All in favor.
No New Business.
Announcements / Public Comments
After seeing, and being communicated to regarding the current state of the crosswalks that are painted on both City, and States streets, we asked the Council, and Mayor “Who controls the maintence of these crosswalks, and why are they not being taken care of for the sake of the children’s safety?”
Mayor Austin replied, “The City controls the streets on the City side, and State controls the major highways. We have offered overtime, but with lack of manpower we can’t get it taken care of.”

Board Member“I have been asked that the board members face the same direction at our city council meetings”
Adjourned at 6:54pm

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