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Mansfield City Council Meeting – January

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting, Thursday, January, 19th at Mansfield City Hall. In attendance were City Council members –  Dave Johnson, Nathan Sterling, Beverly Lyons, Rick McDaniel, Sheri Hopkins, Georganna Mabry, Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer – Becky Walker, Mansfield Mayor – Larry Austin, Mansfield Police Chief – Boyd Farmer, Mansfield Fire Chief – Stephen Haysmer, as well as a many citizens, and business owners of our area.
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
*Per the request of the community, the city council was arranged to face the attendees. Normally, the council sat facing each other, around a single table. It was very professional, and previously recommended by councilman Rick McDaniel.
Reading of the Minutes, and Financial Statements
–  No questions or comments regarding the November minutes. Motion made to accept, and seconded. All in favor of the November minutes. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Sheri Hopkins, and seconded by Beverly Lyons, motion passed unanimously.
–  No questions or comments regarding the November Financial Statement. Motion made to accept, and seconded. All in favor of the November minutes. Motion to approve the financial report was made by Georganna Mabry , and seconded by Beverly Lyons , motion passed Unanimously
Mansfield Public Works Department
David Taylor, public works reported no issues at the public works dept. Taylor answered a question about sewer smell from Rick McDaniel concerning the odor more apparent in the mornings. “We’re currently fogging the odor to repel the odor. One barrel lasts just a little over a month” stated Taylor.
Taylor added, “We’re battling an issue with high level of PH, and we’ve yet to find the reason for the increased level, which assists in the odor.”
Freshwater system: working well, and we’ve fixed three leaks. Currently our meter system is down which tells us the reading over a 24hr period.
Trash truck is a money pit, and we’re spending a lot of money repairing it.
Mansfield Police Department – Police Chief, Boyd Farmer
Farmer stated, “We’ve had a few thefts over the last month.” Tools have been stolen in Darlene Boyd, and Cornerstone pharmacy was broken into. Sam Bass is assisting us in the Cornerstone pharmacy break-in.
“We had a blast taking the kids to shop with a cop around Christmas. It was a really neat experience, for all of us” added Farmer.
The new Police dept. is working out really well, and we’re currently battling a small leak in the roof, which is minor.
They’re in the process of moving the Mansfield Police dept. sign from the old location, and the Mansfield Public Works dept. will be installing it soon.
Mansfield Fire Department – Stephen Haysmer, Fire Chief
“All the fires we’ve responded to have mainly been car accidents” stated Haysmer.
Beverly Lyons asked about the current state of our fire trucks, and equip. Haysmer replied that we have a pumper truck that is losing pressure, and has a lot of problems.
Two tankers, one won’t hold a charge, and the other tanker needs an alternator.
Brush trucks need new tires.
“We have some safety issues that need immediate attention” added Haysmer.
RIck McDamiel asked, “What vehicles are in good, and working condition?”  Haysmer replied, “We have three vechiles that are operational, and we move tools from truck to truck. My main concern is getting personnel to each fire, safely and securely.”
One truck hasn’t passed the pump in three years.
City Attorney – no report
Mansfield Recorder / Treasurer – Becky Walker
“We spent three days of last week attending the Arkansas Municipal League conference which discusses laws that changed. It’s always a good event.”
Unfinished Business
A. Water Line (Henley Road) – Bidding will start within 4-6 weeks. Estimate of $43k – $46k
B. Police Department Roof – Currently looking at different ways of repairing the roof. We need to start looking at the bid process. Hopefully, by next month, we’ll have more info as a fix, bid, and quote to repair.
New Business
A. Mayor’s Annual Report
– We’re hoping to clear $9k profit from the Taylor house sale, which was assessed for $98k, and sold for $49k. “We had hoped to clear expenses, and profit enough to help with the Police dept. repairs.
– Walking trail is moving along, and we’ll be taking bids real soon. (1/4 mile trail, around the park)
– We’ve applied for an overlay for several streets to be hopefully fulfilled later this year.
– Shine committee is working on painting the Boyd bldg.
– Public works received a new truck.
– Fire dept loan was paid off.
– Dixie grant is nearing completion
– Reached an agreement with West Fraser on water lines on their property. They will be responsible for water lines on their property.
– Several city employees have received training, and certification.
– Job descriptions have been written for all City positions, and will be held accountable through an evaluation.
– Disaster plan has been created, and revised in the case of an emergency to conduct City business.
– Moving the Police dept to the downtown area has promoted positive reinforcement within our community.
B. Joint Use Agreement
Agreements between the City of Mansfield, and Mansfield Schools District with regards to the community members using the track for walking, and exercising, and activity. obligations of the city to the school, for repairs, etc.
Motion to accept the agreement was made by Rick McDaniel, seconded by Georganna Mabry, Motion passed unanimously
C. Resolution, Procedural Rules
Recommended by the Municipal League,
Motion to accept the resolution made by Nathan Sterling , seconded by Beverly Lyons. Motion passed unanimously
D. Resolution, 2017 Budget
Motion to accept the resolution made by Georganna Mabry, seconded by Rick McDaniel. Motion passed unanimously
E. Resolution, Sale of Taylor Property (Police Station)
Motion to accept the resolution made by Beverly Lyons, seconded by Nathan Sterling , Motion passed unanimously
The Mayor called an executive session at 8:43pm. The meeting was called back to order at 9:15pm.
F. Personnel – Water Operator /  Police Position
Water Manager position: Wes Thomas hired as the new Water Manager
Police Officer, Tom Garrison is going to 13 weeks of Police academy as a full time police officer.
Announcements / Public Comments
Robert Walker stated his concerns about the Dixie theater fundraising efforts as far as being asked what the fundraisers are for, and what it applies towards. “I thought the second grant, was able to cover the costs to finish up the theater project? I want to be able to answer the public concerns, rather that say, i don’t know?”
Adjourned at 9:35pm

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