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Monday, October 21, 2024

Mansfield City Council Meets

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday evening, October 17. All members of the council were present including Julie Thomas, James Steele, Glen Hurt, Beverly Lyons, Sheri Hopkins, and Boyd Farmer. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black, and Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker.

After approving the September financials and minutes, the council heard the city services reports.

Fire Chief Michael Smith reported a total of 51 calls, eight fire and 43 EMS. Additionally, that the department trained alongside other agencies in a full-scale disaster drill with James Fork, simulating a dam break. Smith reported that the keypads at the station had to replaced due to a power surge or lightning strike. Also, that the station would be utilized as a polling place for the November election. Lastly, Smith reported that there are 10 active fire fighters on the department, in addition to his Assistance Chief, Albert Haysmer, and himself.

Police Chief Wayne Robb reported a total of 45 calls, 21 agency assists (four in Scott County and 17 in Sebastian). Additionally, four school calls, six medical calls, four incident/arrest reports, and four animal calls. In total, 20 citations and 26 violations were issued in Scott County, and 13 citations and 14 violations were issued in Sebastian County. Robb reported eight training hours for his department.

Public Works Director Derrick Pollard reported that his department had completed 135 service orders, and 39 One Call requests. Pollard also reported that the R&R gas line project was ongoing and in phase 2. Additionally, that three water leaks had been repaired, a new water tap added on Freedom Road, a manhole repaired on Highway 96, and the ditch on Otis Street restored. Pollard also reported that the advertised smoke test had been completed, and that his department continues working on cleaning up brush and trimming limbs along the roadways. Lastly, that the new city trash truck had been received and is in operation.

City Attorney Travis Plummer was not at the meeting in person but was present via video. Plummer stated that he had no new reports to give the council.

In matters of unfinished business, the council voted to repeal and replace Ordinance 2024-5 (revised elected official retirement). The council also discussed the management of the Dixie Theater, deciding that an ad would be placed to find a volunteer to help with setup, cleanup and the sound system.

The next item of business, the discussion of the Recorder/Treasurer position. The council voted to go into executive session and include the party who had applied for the position. Upon returning, Mayor Black stated that they discussed the position with the candidate. No action was taken.

Next, a discussion regarding the vacancy on the police department. The council advised that they had given raises to the current officers, and that there was no way to fund another paid position.

In matters of new business, the council approved unanimously the following:
Ordinance 2024-4 (Scott Co. millage continuing for 2025), a letter to Sebastian County Clerk Sharon Brooks to continue Sebastian County 2025 millage, and a letter to SRCA/Deanna Rice to support the senior center in 2025.

The council then voted to approve the sale of the older trash truck for $20,000, agreed to consider bids to sell the old dump truck and flatbed truck, and voted to approve the bid from KAST Contruction to build a new pump house at the city lake.

Before adjourning the meeting, it was announced that the Christmas parade would be coming up on Saturday, December 7. With no further business, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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