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Mansfield City Council Meets, Discusses Senior Center

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday evening, October 17. All members of the council were present including Aldermen Jan Carlton, Dave Johnson, Julie Thomas, Beverly Lyons, Rick McDaniel and Sheri Hopkins. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black and City Recorder/Treasurer, Becky Walker.

After approving the September meeting minutes and financial statements, the council heard the city services report.

Black stated that Public Works Director Charlie Little had resigned, and that he would be seeking to hire a replacement.

Next, the council heard from Fire Chief Michael Smith. Smith reported that there had been 15 calls this month, 4 fire and 11 EMS. He shared that he’s been working with a contractor on the fire system at the Mansfield Juvenile Treatment Facility. Additionally, that the department has been working the at-home football games.

Smith reported that the roof on the fire station had been completed. Also, that the ceiling in the restroom had been repaired. According to Smith, there are still leaks in the truck bay.

The department is still in need of a truck to replace the old ones that won’t run. He is working with Shelby Allen, searching for grants to buy a new truck.

Lastly, Smith shared that someone had broken into his office. In response, the council voted to approve the installation of new locks at the fire station.

Two new applicants, Kameron Delp and Jimmy King were approved to join the department.

Next, Police Chief Wayne Robb reported that his department is continuing operation warrant sweet. In Scott County, the department issued a total of 27 citations and five warrants. In Sebastian County, four citations and four warrants were issued. They had a total of 78 calls, 35 agency assists and 10 school calls. In total, there were 12 incident/arrest reports and 14 accident reports. The department worked a total of 86 traffic stops, issuing 45 warnings. Also, they worked a total of 21 animal calls and had 93 hours of training.

Robb recommended that the council hire new officer, Jason Stearman. At 7:36 the council went into executive session. Upon reconvening at 7:53 p.m., the motion was made to hire Joe Manes as Public Works Director. Also, to hire Stearman as a full time officer. Both motions carried unanimously.

City Attorney Matt Ketcham was next to report on items of unfinished business. Ketcham had prepared the paperwork for the de-annexation of David Carlton’s property, and the council took action, approving it. He also presented the council with a yard sale ordinance –see related story. The ordinance passed 4-2, with Alderman Carlton, Thomas, Johnson, and Lyons voting for and McDaniel and Hopkins voting against. The ordinance will enforce a permit and regulate who, when and how residents can have yard sales.

Sebastian Retired Citizens Association Director Deanna Rice was in attendance at the request of the council. Rice shared information about the procedures and policies in place in regards to the building’s rental. Rice stated that the income from rentals keeps the city from having to pay for upkeep. The city, who owns the building, currently pays the utilities and for any needed repairs.

In items of new business, millage ordinance 2019-6 to levy taxes in Scott County passed unanimously. Black also shared that he would like to look at hiring someone to oversee the recycling bins. Currently, Sebastian County Solid Waste has removed the city’s bins due to contamination.

In announcements, the fall clean-up is scheduled for October 19 from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Mr. Cabbagehead and the Screaming Radishes will be at the Dixie Theater on December 7 at 3 and 7 p.m. Admission will be $5. The Roving Gamblers will also be at the Dixie Theater on November 2. The Mansfield Volunteer Fire Department will host a chili cookoff on Saturday, November 2, from 6-8 p.m. Entry fee for the competition is $10, and you can eat a bowl with the fixings for $5. Come out and support the fire department.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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