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Mansfield Hires New City Attorney

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The Mansfield City Council met in a special session on Thursday evening, January 28 at 6 p.m. Only three items were on the agenda, the hiring of a new city attorney, the purchase of new fire turnout gear, and the purchase of a public works truck.

All members of the council were present including Jan Carlton, James Steele, Julie Thomas, Beverly Lyons, Rick McDaniel, and Sheri Hopkins. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black and Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker.

Mayor Black introduced local attorney Travis Plummer to members of the council. Plummer gave a brief presentation, which included a contract proposal. With limited questions and discussion, the council voted unanimously to hire Plummer as the city’s new attorney.

Next, the council reviewed a proposal by Fire Chief Michael Smith for five new sets of turnout gear. Mayor Black informed the council that the city was reimbursed with CARES ACT funds totaling $45,124.61.00, which is now in the general fund. He recommended using $11,575.00 to purchase new turnout gear for the fire department. Before voting, Councilwoman Jan Carlton inquired why the request was not included in the budget, “which was just passed less than a week ago.” Carlton added, “I don’t like amending the budget this early…those departments should have put it in their budget requests.”

Carlton referred to the requests as a “whim.” However, Black assured her that Chief Smith and Public Works Director Joe Manes have repeatedly made their requests known, both to him and to the council. The mayor went on to add that due to COVID-19, there have been issues with getting those requests designated within the budget.

At the January 21 meeting, Chief Smith gave an ardent report on the state of the fire department, cautioning the council of the risks to the city if they choose inaction. Carlton was absent with due cause for that meeting.

With no further discussions, Lyons made the motion to take the money for the five sets of turnout gear for the fire department from the general fund. Thomas seconded the motion. Voting for, Lyons, McDaniel, Hopkins, Steele, and Thomas. Voting against, Carlton.

The last item on the agenda, the purchase of a new truck for the public works department. Currently, workers are having to utilize their own vehicle to submit water samples for the city. “That’s unacceptable,” stated Councilwoman Hopkins. Carlton again asked if the truck purchase was allocated in the budget. Mayor Black responded stating, Manes had just located the truck and that the need has been discussed over the past two months.

Steele made the motion to purchase one truck, with the option to purchase a second truck, following an inspection. McDaniel seconded the motion. Voting for, Lyons, McDaniel, Hopkins, Steele, and Thomas. Voting against, Carlton.

With no other items of business, the special meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.

“The initial budget must be submitted to the council by December 1,” Black stated in a follow-up interview. However, the months of October and November had not been reconciled yet because our Recorder/Treasurer was out of the office twice under quarantine with COVID-19, and then her father passed. I prepared the initial budget for the council based on a nine-month history. After she returned, the budget was finalized and presented to the council in December. The budget must be adopted by February 1. We have known about the situation with the fire department for a year and a half. We’ve just been unable to fund those needs. The same thing goes for the public works department, who is down to one vehicle that can be driven on the highway. We have been extremely diligent with the taxpayer’s money, and try our best to be frugal. The CARES ACT money, which was received in December of 2020, will allow us to meet some of these crucial needs.”

Local attorney Travis Plummer presents the Mansfield City Council with a contract proposal.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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