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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mansfield School Board Meets

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield School Board met in a regularly scheduled meeting on August 19 at 6 p.m. All members of the board were present. Also present Superintendent, Joe Staton.

Staton gave the Superintendent’s report, and asked Middle School Principal Floyd Fisher to update the board on several recent donations. Beverly Enterprises donated chairs and office furniture to the school. According to Fisher, the donation will allow them to replace old and outdated furnishings. Staton added, “it is some much needed improvement in our classrooms.”

Staton also shared that he had been speaking with Stephen Gebhart, Vice President of Operations at Mercy, about providing a permanent liaison on site at the school clinic. He added that he would like to expand the mental health services, and indicated that he would provide the board with more information in November.

He also indicated in his report that the air conditioning had been installed in the concession stand. Lastly, that they had been able to purchase 230 used Chromebooks at $10 a piece. “This will outfit our English and Science kids with 1/1, every kid and every class in the Middle School,” shared Fisher.

The board will undergo finance training in the near future at Mansfield, providing the board members with four hours of credits.

High School Principal Donnie Eveld echoed parental concerns over changing the graduation date. Currently, it conflicts with the Hackett School District’s commencement. Members of the board decided against the change, and chose to keep the currently scheduled date of Monday, May 11.

The next item on the agenda required action by the board. The district’s current budget fell short of its projection, and Staton asked the board to transfer funds from the building to the operating account. The board voted and passed the motion unanimously to complete the transfer.

Four student transfers were put before the board, one of those, members opted to take no action on.

Staton sought the board’s approval to obtain purchase power cards. These are credit cards that would be utilized at the administration’s discretion with a set credit limit. “We would get 10-12 cards, and Carol (Reano) and I would have dashboard access. It provides control, convenience and one percent cash back.” Following a brief discussion, the motion was made and passed unanimously to obtain the purchase power cards.

After approving the Arkansas Department of Education’s Statement of Assurances for Programs Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the board voted to hire Jenny Stovall as a part time dish washer at the middle school.

In other board communications, member Dewayne Ward asked how the old rock gym looked. “It looks really nice,” replied Fisher. “They did a really nice job on it…we use it every day for fifth and sixth grade P.E. and if it’s a rainy day, we use it as a recreational room during recess.”

With no other items of business on the agenda, the meeting of the Mansfield School Board was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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