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Fort Smith
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Mansfield Woman so Talented, it’s Scary!

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

America’s Got Talent, sure. Arkansas has talent, no doubt. But Mansfield, we know is a hidden gem when it comes to talent. Payton Black, a young lady who calls the small town home, is so talented, it’s absolutely scary!

Black, 20, has been doing special effects makeup since the young age of 14. “I have always loved horror movies and I was fascinated with how they could transform a person just by using makeup,” shared Black. “I started watching some YouTube tutorials and then used some techniques I liked best and blended them with some different styles to make it personalized for me.” Her preferred style of SFX makeup, gore. In fact, Halloween is her season to shine!

**photos are makeup, not actual injury**

Her talent certainly could take her places, big places–Hollywood, even! But for now, she maintains it’s just a hobby. “Everyone tells me I should make it a career. I honestly just love doing it as a hobby. I am going to college for Elementary Education so that’s my career goal.”

The reaction from her clients is reward enough for her to continue in the work she loves. “I love seeing people’s reactions to it and I love being able to be creative and make each person look unique since no two makeups will ever be the same.”

Black also does less-scary versions that are kid friendly!

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the talented Payton Black, you can visit her Facebook page and message her directly with any questions.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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