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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ma’s Pecan Pie

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

It feels a little funny to be sharing a pecan pie recipe in January. There are no holidays in January where pecan pie is customary. But why does it have to be a holiday for pecan pie?

My husband gave me a funny look when I announced I was making pecan pie. But it’s not every day someone gives you shelled pecans like we had some sweet friends give us! He didn’t put up much of a protest just commented it was a little random for me to choose pie to make with the pecans. Random I am, honey.

After poking around on Pinterest I decided to text my mom and ask how hard it was to make a pecan pie. She answered back with my Ma’s recipe and a not hard, but haven’t used this recipe.

Now I live in my grandparents’ house, but I always feel closest to my Ma when I’m using one of her recipes in her kitchen. She passed away in 2020. It always puts me in a good mood to do. I was delighted to try out her recipe on this pie, and after trying I wanted to share. It’s so easy!


-3 eggs, beaten

-1/4 cup white sugar

-1 cup brown sugar

-1/2 cup butter

-1 teaspoon vanilla

-1 level tablespoon plain flour

-1 cup pecans


1. Preheat oven to 350*.

2. Beat eggs, add remaining ingredients and mix well.

3. Pour in uncooked pie crust. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 350*. Jiggle pan to see if done in middle, cook longer as needed.

Note- I didn’t want to roll out my pie crust. It looks very ugly. I am someone who should use a store bought crust but I wasn’t going to wait until I got one.

My Ma’s recipe!
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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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