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Mayor Casts Tie-Breaking Vote in Parking Lot Proposal

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday evening, May 20 at 6 p.m.

All members of the council were present including Beverly Lyons, Bobby Musgrove, Sheri Hopkins, Julie Thomas, James Steele, and Jan Carlton. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black and Assistant to the Mayor Stephanie Morgan. Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker was absent.

After approving the minutes and financials from the April meeting, the council heard the city services reports.
Fire Chief Michael Smith reported a total of 19 calls, five fire and 14 EMS. He also stated that the roof on the fire station had been repaired and that there were no leaks. Smith informed the council that most of the purchased turnout gear had been received, but were are still waiting on the coats and pants. He reported on the status of trucks, noting that both passed the pump test last Saturday.

Before closing, Smith sought the approval of the council to purchase a 2005 E-One Custom four-door pumper truck. He proposed the truck be purchased through funds from the county. The council voted unanimously to approve the purchase.

Next, Police Chief Wayne Robb presented his report. There were a total of 31 calls, with 12 agency assists, four in Scott County and 10 in Sebastian. There were eight school calls, five total incident/arrest reports, four total accident reports, 111 total traffic stops, 75 warnings, 33 citations issued in Scott County, and five citations issued in Sebastian County, four adult arrests, and eight animal calls. The police department had a total of 35 training hours.

Next, the council reviewed the public works report. Director Joe Manes reported his department performed 122 work orders, one residential and one commercial property inspection, installed a new SBR pump at the wastewater plant, welded a broken auger, completed a water rate study, and worked the county-wide clean up.

City Attorney Travis Plummer was also present. He reported that the Carlton de-annexation had been completed. He also informed the council that he was working on an ordinance to implement a water rate structure. The proposed water rate increase will be .25 cents per 1,000 gallons of water. Additionally, the minimum will change from 2,000 to 1,000 gallons of water. Details on the new ordinance will be published at a later date.

In the next item of business, a split vote on the purchase of the parking lot on Howard Street. The two lots are currently owned by Martin Funeral Home. Black made the proposal during April’s meeting, stating that it could be utilized as a parking lot. After discussing the proposal, a roll call vote was held with Lyons, Steele, and Musgrove voting for the motion to purchase the lots. Hopkins, Thomas, and Carlton voted against the motion. Due to a split, Mayor Black cast the deciding vote, and the motion passed.

Mayor Black submitted a bid from Silco Construction for possible resurfacing of the property at a cost of $19,950.00. However, no action was taken by the council.

In items of new business, the council voted to pass a resolution for buying ads in the newspaper and school yearbook.

Next, the hiring of a new full-time police officer. Police Chief Wayne Robb recommended the council hire Billy Gragg. Gragg is not yet certified but will be attending the academy in August. The council voted to approve Robb’s recommendation in hiring Gragg. He will serve as a patrolman and also as an animal control officer.

The city will not be replacing the part-time position that former officer Sean White vacated. At Chief Robb’s recommendation, the council approved splitting his salary among the current officers, providing for a $3,000 per year increase.

Next, the council voted to approve the appointment of Levi Thomas as a reserve and fill-in officer.

In the last item of new business, the council voted to pass a resolution for the city to apply for a grant to update Memorial Park. The FUN Park Grant would allow for a new pavilion to be built at the Connie McConnell Memorial Park, located at 903 Broadway Street.

The motion was then made to amend the agenda to discuss the proposed East Lab project. The motion was made and passed to allow those students to install a book box on the side street near the police department, on city property.

Before adjourning, Mayor Black announced that the circus will be in Mansfield on May 26 with two showings, one at 5 p.m. and another at 7 p.m. The circus will be set up at the west end of the high school parking lot.
At 7:45 p.m., with no other items of business, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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