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Saturday, March 15, 2025

McFerran Moves up to High School

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Waldron High School has recently hired a new band director. Usually, that means getting to know a new director, but not this time. Waldron School District promoted Shanice McFerran to be their new High School Band Director. McFerran previously served as the Middle School Director.

Shanice grew up in Greenwood, Arkansas, and graduated in 2011. She then went on to attend the University of Arkansas Fort Smith, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education.

After graduating college, Shanice spent her first two years of teaching at Hartford. In 2018, she moved to the Mulberry School District for a year. Then in 2019, she became the Middle School Director at Waldron. Her main instrument is the clarinet. McFerran said she also enjoys playing and teaching all the woodwind instruments.

Shanice credits her Band Directors at Greenwood as her motivation for becoming a band director. When she entered Junior High Band, she saw how much fun they were having and she wanted to be just like them.

Shanice looks forward to getting back to school and seeing her students following the coronavirus hiatus. She’s excited to get back and start making music. McFerran said that many of the students have been asking, “When are we going to start summer band? They are ready to get going.” A goal she has for this upcoming year is to grow the band community in the school and to work on musicianship within the band.

An interesting fact about Waldron, it is the only school in Scott County. So the students are pulled in a lot of different ways and involved in many activities. McFerran said, “The school makes it a priority to allow students to be involved in as many things as they want.”

A fun fact about Shanice is that she has a dog named Lola.

While interviewing Shanice, I asked a series of questions in a Q & A segment called, “ARVBands’ Quick 5”. For this segment, we ask five questions that are funny and allow the readers to get to know the individual being interviewed.

What is your favorite Marching Show ever?
Greenwood High School Marching Band “Shrek”

What is the best meal that you have ever eaten?
Marketplace – Pineapple Grilled Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Flamin Queso

What is your biggest pet peeve in teaching?
When students say, “What if… followed by a question” because nothing good ever comes out after a “what if question”.

If you could pick another profession, what would it be?
News Anchor

What is your favorite memory from your music career?
The bucket percussion ensemble at Hartford

Shanice is excited for the opportunity to be teaching at Waldron School District and to be the new Band Director at Waldron High School. She is looking forward to the upcoming school year and cannot wait to see her students this fall.

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