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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mercy Shows Interest in Property Adjacent to Westwood Elementary

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The Greenwood School Board met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 12, 2022 in the Administration Building. Members present were Dr. Brad Johnson, Mr. Jeff Turner, Mr. Greg Hasley, Dr. Kelli Henning, Mr. Cliff James, Mrs. Rozanne Sterling, Mrs. Stephanie Griffith and Superintendent, John Ciesla.

The meeting was called to order by President, Brad Johnson. The Board and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance. (6:00 p.m.)

The consent agenda was approved as submitted. (6:01 p.m.)

Dr. Brad Johnson recognized Rozanne Sterling and Jeff Turner for their years of service to the Greenwood School Board. Mrs. Sterling and Mr. Turner are retiring from service this year. (6:04 p.m.)

Mr. Kevin Holleran, Executive Director of Mercy Real Estate appeared via Zoom and discussed Mercy’s interest in the property adjacent to Westwood Elementary. Mr. Holleran explained in order for Mercy to pursue a building site evaluation, a contract would be needed to conduct the necessary suitability protocol. Holleran said Mercy would be willing to pay $1.50 per square foot for three acres of property and asked for an agreement to be confirmed to let them move ahead with feasibility studies on the property. On a motion by Mr. Greg Hasley and a second by Mr. Jeff Turner, the Board voted 7-0 to authorize Mr. John Ciesla, Superintendent to review and enter into a contract on behalf of the Greenwood Board of Directors. (6:14 p.m.)

Mr. Kevin Hesslen, Deputy Superintendent requested Board approval to purchase the three Chevy Equinox vehicles leased by the district for approximately $16,000 each. He reported that the lease will expire soon and the residual payoff is
exceptionally low. He noted that each of the vehicles have fewer than 32,000 miles each. On a motion by Mr. Cliff James and a second by Mrs. Stephanie Griffith, the Board voted 7-0 to approve the purchase of the lease vehicles for approximately $16,000 each. (6:17 p.m.)

Mr. Kevin Hesslen, Deputy Superintendent requested Board approval of removing
the Certified and Non-Certified Covid Leave Policy from the current School Board policy. He explained that the Arkansas Department of Health has loosened its quarantine and isolation protocol and both PPC’s unanimously voted to remove
policies 3.56 and 8.45 Covid Leave policies from Board Policy. On a motion by Mr. Cliff James and a second by Dr. Kelli Henning, the Board voted 7-0 to remove Covid Leave policies 3.56 and 8.45 from Board Policy. (6:19 p.m.)

Mr. John Ciesla, Superintendent presented the 2022-2023 Special Education Budget for the 2022-2023 school year. He explained the Special Education department is required to submit their budget prior to the close of the current fiscal year due to state and federal requirements. Mr. Ciesla requested formal approval from the Board. On a motion by Mrs. Rozanne Sterling and a second by Mrs. Stephanie Griffith, the Board voted 7-0 to approve the 2022-2023 Special Education Budget. (6:20 p.m.)

Mr. John Ciesla, Superintendent requested formal Board approval of the 2022-2023 Purchased Service Contracts. He explained the contracts are for services such as Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Pediatric Therapy, Physical Therapy, School Based Mental Health, Psychological Services, and BCBA for the upcoming school year. On a motion by Mr. Cliff James and a second by Dr. Kelli Henning, the Board voted 7-0 to approve the 2022-2023 Purchased Service contracts as presented. (6:21 p.m.)

Mr. John Ciesla, Superintendent presented the 2022-2023 Salary Schedule Proposals to the Board for consideration. He recommended a 2.3% increase to the base salary of the certified and administrator salary schedules. Mr. Ciesla recommended a 2.3% increase to all non-certified salary schedules and a 2.7% increase for hourly employees. Mr. Ciesla noted that the district health insurance contribution rate will increase to $300 per month to comply with state law. He informed the Board that all salary schedule adjustments have been voted on and approved by the certified and non-certified personnel policy committees and the staff of Greenwood School District. Mr. Ciesla requested Board approval of the 2022-2023 Salary Schedule recommendations.

Mr. Jeff Turner made a motion to approve salary schedules as presented. Haley seconded the motion. Dr. Brad Johnson inquired whether the 2.3% increase will be applied to all
administrators including Central Office administrators. Mr. Jeff Turner amended his original motion to approve salary schedules to include a 2.3% increase to the base for certified teachers and all administrators. Mr. Greg Hasley seconded the motion and the Board voted 7-0 to approve the salary schedules as amended to the 2022-2023 school year. (6:25 p.m.)

Mr. John Ciesla, Superintendent presented the following purchase orders for Board approval.
Acme Janitorial 69,627.72 (Purchase of qualifying supplies and equipment to assist in preventing the spread of transmissible viruses and diseases from an Arkansas Department of Health Grant for the ELC Reopening of Schools. Grant totaled $62,84)
Presidio $114,932.77 (Upgrade to the Greenwood School District network. E-rate funding will cover 60% of the cost of the upgrade project. E-rate reimbursement $68,959.66) IT Savvy $207,368.49 (Five hundred ten Chromebooks) On a motion by Mr. Cliff James and a second by Mr. Jeff Turner, the Board voted 7-0 to accept purchase orders as presented. (6:29 p.m.)

The Board retired to Executive session. Upon return to the open meeting, the Board voted to approve the following personnel items:
On a motion by Mr. Jeff Turner and a second by Mr. Cliff James the Board voted 7-0 to accept the resignations of Bruno Bloede, Kaytlan Scott, Jake Hindman, Ronnie Sockey, Allison Angel, Amber Quillman, and Leslie Cook. (7:02 p.m.)

On a motion by Mr. Jeff Turner and a second by Mr. Cliff James the Board voted 7-0 to hire Tommy Coleman, Teacher and Coach, Rhonda Black, Secretary, Christina Crenshaw, Para, Jonnie Iglesias, Teacher, Danielle Durbin, Special Education Teacher, Crystal Demon, Para, James Vines, Para, Emmanuel Maya, Para, Melissa Melton, Para, Troy Jarrell, PAC and Teacher, Lorrel Thompson, Teacher, Berkley Cooper, Teacher, Autumn Mendenhall, Para, Jennifer Baker, Para, Kelsey Porter, Teacher, Jillian Hollinsaid, Para and transfer Rachel Fontenot to SPED Designee. (7:04 p.m.)

The Board voted 7-0 to adjourn on a motion by Mr. Jeff Turner and a second by Mr. Cliff James. (7:04 p.m.)

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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