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Musgrove Appointed to Fill Council Vacancy

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Mansfield City Council met in regular session on Thursday evening, March 18. All members of the council were present including Jan Carlton, Julie Thomas, James Steele, Beverly Lyons and Sheri Hopkins. Also present, Mayor Buddy Black and Recorder/Treasurer Becky Walker.

Following the reading and approval of the February meeting minutes and financial reports, the council heard the city services reports.

Mansfield Fire Chief Michael Smith reported 25 total calls, two fire and 23 EMS. Smith noted that the number of calls had decreased over last month. He went on to inform the council that Scott Jones from EVS attended the last fire meeting to fit and size members for new turnouts. Lastly, Smith reported that the Freightliner had some brake and frame issues and that the roof still leaks over the north wall into the bay area. Smith has worked a total of 150+ hours for the month.

Mansfield Police Chief Wayne Robb presented his departmental report, stating there were 46 total calls, five school calls, and 14 agency assists. There were 18 arrest reports, one accident report, and 114 traffic stops with 79 total warnings issued. The department made 10 adult arrests, five drug arrests and responded to 11 animal calls. Officers underwent a total of 6.5 hours of training for the month.

Officer First Class Sean White

The council approved a recommendation by Chief Robb to promote Sean White to officer First Class.

Next, Public Works Director Joe Manes presented his report, which included 50 work orders and the installation of the new motor at the waste water plant.

City Attorney Travis Plummer was present and reported on the status of the Carlton de-annexation. Additionally, on the two ordinances regarding water rates. Mayor Black stated that the increase is “something that the people aren’t going to like, but it is necessary…and should be increasing every year.” Black added that they are currently awaiting a water rate structure study by Arkansas Rural Water Association.

The next item on the agenda, an approval to remove bats from the municipal building. The council approved the bid by Professional Pest Solutions to remove the bats and the subsequent clean up.

Mayor Black reported on the city’s new digital sign and the council took action, voting to approve the payment of $3,600 to ABC Printing and Signs. Black projects a total of $6,000 in donations towards the overall project.

The council then adjourned to executive session to discuss the appointment to fill the vacancy left by the late Rick McDaniel. The city received three letters of interest for Ward 3 Position 1: Deanna Hanley, Adam Hecox, and Bobby Musgrove. Both Hanley and Musgrove were present at the meeting.

Upon reconvening, the motion was made by Councilman Steele to appoint Musgrove to fill the vacant seat. Thomas seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Musgrove will serve out the remainder of McDaniel’s term, approximately 22 months, and will be eligible to run for re-election. “I will do my very best, thank you,” responded Musgrove.

In the last item of new business, the approval of a new city logo. Before adjourning, Black made the announcement that the Culpepper Merriweather Circus had expressed interest in coming to Mansfield. He added that the circus will set up at Johnny Cake Park for two shows on Wednesday, May 26.

With no other items of business, the meeting of the Mansfield City Council adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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