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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

NBCH Holds Town Hall Meeting

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Community members joined New Beginning Children’s Home Executive Director, Anthony Christopher, as he welcomed several of NBCH employees, and the area residents to the town hall meeting which was held last Friday night at the Mansfield High School cafeteria.

NBCH Founder, and President Ken Ferguson began the meeting with prayer

After the staff introductions, Christopher began explaining the ins, and outs of NBCH, which began with the quote, “We are Faith based to the core, and are unwilling to compromise our mission/vision.” Pretty powerful, backed with strong results.

The primary reason for the meeting was an opportunity for NBCH to openly answer questions from the public, as well a brief understanding of the work they do, and how they will not only positively impact numerous children’s future, but also be neighbors, and community members to the Mansfield area.

Two common concerns were addressed surrounding the NBCH coming to Mansfield.

  1. NBCH is NOT a juvenile rehabilitation center.
  2. NBCH is NOT a teen pregnancy center

We previously covered the details of what NBCH is, and what they actually do. You can read that article here… http://bit.ly/2sg9jOy

If you would like more information on New Beginning Children’s Home, to become a foster parent, or if your Church is interested in partnering with NBCH, please contact Anthony Christopher at his EMAIL  or Wanda Eash at EMAIL. You can also visit their website at www.newbeginningsar.com

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