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Sunday, March 16, 2025

October 3, Bring Your Bible to School Day!

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Global faith-based ministry, Focus on the Family, has declared October 3 as Bring your Bible to School Day. The annual student-led event, now in its sixth year, provides a unique opportunity for young people to share about their faith by highlighting its source – the Bible. This comes on the heels of the student-led prayer event, See You At The Pole.
Partnering with Focus on the Family, is Alliance Defending Freedom. The group backs the First Amendment, which guarantees students the right to discuss their beliefs and read the Bible at school. “For countless kids and teens, faith is at the center of everything they do. But when it comes to sharing the joy and peace they find through reading the Bible, some young people fear the consequences of doing so at school,” said Focus on the Family President Jim Daly. “Fortunately, our Founding Fathers foresaw the need to guarantee individuals the ability to express their beliefs, and that’s exactly what students who participate in Bring Your Bible to School Day every year are celebrating.”
Parents and students can also follow “Bring Your Bible to School Day” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The official hashtag is #BringYourBible.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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