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Ouachita National Forest, Scott and Sebastian Counties; Heavener Coal Leasing Project

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The USDA Forest Service (FS) is preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) as the lead Federal agency with support from Federal cooperating agencies, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE). The purpose of the analysis is to respond to a Federal coal Lease by Application (LBA) submitted to the BLM from the Emera Corportation on behalf of Ouro Mining Inc.

The application seeks approval to access and recover Federal metallurgical coal resources from approximately 3,077 acres that underly lands on the Ouachita National Forest (ONF) — the Poteau-Cold Springs Ranger District in Arkansas. No surface mining is proposed on National Forest System (NFS) lands.

The proposed lease area is in T3N, R32W, Sections 8–11, 14, 15, 17–19 and T3N, R33W, Section 13 in Scott and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. The proposed Federal lease area is located adjacent and directly to the north of current coal leases held by Ouro Mining on private lands near Bates, Arkansas. The Emera Corporation’s application involves a mix of reserved public domain lands and acquired lands on the ONF.

BLM is responsible for considering whether a coal lease would be offered through the competitive bid process and what stipulations would be required for surface resource protection. Because the lease would involve minerals underlying the ONF, the FS administrative unit with jurisdiction for managing surface resources, the BLM must have FS consent prior to deciding whether to offer the lease for sale.

The FS will assess whether the proposed lease area on NFS lands is suitable for coal leasing and if so, whether to consent to leasing 3,077 acres of Federal coal underlying the Ouachita National Forest as described in the Emera Corporation application. As part of assessing consent, the FS will develop lease stipulations that protect surface resources. The stipulations will be included with any FS consent decision to lease. The BLM would include these stipulations in the coal lease.

Additionally, connected actions associated with the lease include the:

  • Construction, operation, and maintenance of a 161kV powerline on 3.0 miles of NFS lands and the construction of approximately 2.0 miles of powerline access roads.

• Issuance of a special use permit that authorizes a 100-foot right of way (ROW) for the 161kV powerline. Issuance of the permit would be contingent on the metallurgical coal lease being sold, and the mining plan approved and permitted.

  • If needed, a forest plan amendment that may add management direction for the leasing of metallurgical coal on 3,077 acres.

Expected Impacts

Disclosure of potential adverse impacts to NFS lands includes subsidence, which means the land surface is lowered as a result of mining activities. Resources potentially affected include, but are not limited to, vegetation, soil, and water. The EIS will address the potential for impacts from increased carbon emissions. Whether greenhouse gas emissions could approach significance over the life of the project is unknown at this time. Construction and maintenance of the electrical powerline and its associated roads would be designed to comply with the ONF Revised Forest Plan; significant impacts to vegetation, water, and soil resources are not expected.

Comments concerning the scope of the analysis for the EIS must be received by January 25, 2024. The draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) is expected in July 2024. The final EIS is expected to be available for review in June 2025.

To view the complete plan and comments regarding this project, visit: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2023-28300

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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