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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Play Ball!! ESCYO sign-ups are here.

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

It’s almost baseball and softball season in Lavaca, which is arguably the happiest time of the year! There is nothing quite like the sound of a ball coming off the bat, or the sight of your kid stretching out a double. The game is truly an American staple, like hotdogs, apple pie, and Norman Rockwell pictures. Here in small town southern towns, it is almost a religious experience, not quite but almost. Cindy Hartsfield, the President of the East Sebastian County Youth Organization (ESCYO), has been planning what will be a fantastic season for Lavaca’s kids, but needs your help.

There are still many sign up dates ahead for Little league baseball and softball. There is also an online registration site that will remain open until 6pm on March 23, 2019. The next opportunity to sign up in person will be this Saturday during the Little League Basketball tournament at the High School gym, Saturday from 10:30am until 1pm. This was listed without a time on the flyers, so please help get the word out! Since the online registration was opened up, and with only one in person sign up in the books, only seven kids have signed up for “stay at home” T-ball. The goal is to have enough 3-4 year olds to put together four teams, so that they don’t have to travel. As far as the rest of the program, to date there are only seven total kids signed up to play. As a result, the League is asking for help in getting the word out. They would also like to have as many kids as possible to sign up as early as possible.

The League is excited about the upcoming season and is trying to make sure they have enough good coaches to teach the kids the game. The board also has some new faces this year as well as some old ones. Cindy Hartsfield is the President of ESCYO and the Secretary of Suburban League. New officers this year are Patrick Ellison- VP, Missy Strickland – Secretary and Heather Newbolt – Treasurer. Cindy has posted a sign up flyer with dates on their Facebook page as well as contact info for both herself and Patrick. Cindy is happy to answer any questions you may have. Please find them on Facebook, or visit with them this Saturday to sign up your kids to play.

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