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Political Forum Takes Center Stage in Scott County

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It was a great night for both candidates and voters with intelligent questions and informative responses.

On Thursday evening, September 15, at 6 p.m., attendees filled the courtroom at the Scott County courthouse. The candidate forum was co-sponsored by the Scott County Tea Party and Resident News.

Gary Epperson with the Scott County Tea Party welcomed the guests and the candidates. Pastor Ron Tilly opened the meeting with prayer, and Bill Coben, VFW Post 1345 Commander, led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members of the forum panel included Tilly, Haskell Hicks, and Reggie Cowan. Don Cloud Davis served as the forum moderator.

Candidates present for the forum were:
Brad Evans
Clint McPherson
Tim Starr
Jeff Gilbert
Lance Stinson
Jamie Goff
Dave Tull
David Millard (i)*
June Haas (i)*
*i denotes incumbent

Candidates were given a three-minute period for an introduction, followed by a question and answer session from the audience and/or panel members.

All in all the forum was informative and valuable to voters. One audience member shared, “I wasn’t quite sure who I was going to vote for in the judge’s race, but now I know.”

The political forum ran up until its allotted time, approximately 9 p.m.

Scott County Tea Party representative, Gary Epperson
Candidates attending the forum (not pictured Alderman June Haas)
Members of the forum panel, from left: Reggie Cowan, Haskell Hicks, and Ron Tilly.
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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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