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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Revival in the Midst of Crisis

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For many years we’ve heard it, we need revival in our churches, revival across our country. These past few weeks, something strange has happened. People have begun searching for a peace, finding faith.

We are witnessing an amazing thing, preachers, teachers and singers sharing the Word of God online. People who haven’t been to church in years, or perhaps ever, are tuning in.

Why? In the midst of the turmoil, in the middle of this crisis, people are searching for some peace, people are looking to God!

Could this be the beginning of the revival Christians for generations have prayed for? It could very well be!

Sarah Bailey said “I love seeing all of the church services on Facebook. Satan wants to fill our hearts with fear and worry, but social media has been flooded with God’s Word and so many are finding strength to be overcomers through Christ.”

With the closure of sanctuaries across the country, many churches have turned to online broadcasting.

One local church, Abbott Baptist, has found alternative ways to continue in the ministry. The church offers a “drive-in” setting, where the congregation can tune in via radio while still visualizing the service.

Others are holding services on lawns, porches and pavilions. “…God is not quarantined. He is still working,” stated Gerri Biggs, who attends Boles Freewill Baptist Church.

The Coronavirus may have forced the closure of the churches, but no doubt about it, God’s Word continues to go forth and saturates the hearts of those who hunger and thirst for Him, our Hope, our Peace. The church is not the building. The people, we the believers, are the church!

I recall my grandmother saying, “…there may be a time where our Bibles are taken from us, so memorize the scriptures and hide the Word in your heart.” I couldn’t help but remember her words as we face such uncertain times.

Regardless of what the ‘morrow holds, we can find solace just as Corrie Ten Boom did in the German Concentration Camp: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

If your church is hosting services online, we invite you to share those services in the comments below!

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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