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Friday, March 14, 2025

RP and Arkansas Liberty Coalition Co-Host Meet the Candidates Town Hall

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Voters packed out the venue on Saturday, February 22, eager to hear from candidates on issues important to them.

The highly anticipated event, Meet the Candidates night, was co-sponsored this year by Resident Press and the Arkansas Liberty Coalition.

This year’s meeting was a town hall style forum, with the following candidates present: Judge Emily White, candidate for Arkansas Court of Appeals; District 74 State Representative (I) Jon Eubanks, District 74 Representative candidates Curtis Varnell, and Shawn Bates; Scott County JP candidate Dee Parker; District 21 State Representative Marcus Richmond (I), District 21 State Representative candidate Jim Reynolds; Circuit Judge Division VI candidates Phil Milligan, Rita Howard Watkins, and Greg Magness; Circuit Judge Division VII candidate Dianna Ladd.

Serving as moderator, Don Cloud Davis, and Timekeeper, Dan Borum, both members of the ALC.

Mansfield Mayor Buddy Black opened the forum with a welcome. An invocation followed, and lastly, the Pledge of Allegiance led by VFW Post 1345 Commander Bill Coben.

Several elected officials were also present, including Waldron Mayor David Millard, Scott County Sheriff Randy Shores, State Representative Charlene Fite, and Scott County Judge James Forbes.

The night went well-over the two hour alloted time, with pointed questions from the audience. Members listened intently as candidates and incumbents explained their position and record.

One audience member inquired about teacher pay, and the fact that small districts like Mansfield loose good teachers to other schools. Representative Eubanks responded that every year they have allocated increasingly more monies for education. Varnell followed up and stated that multiple assistants to administrators is unnecessary, and that their salaries could fund teacher raises.

Judge Forbes closed out the evening by asking, “what do we expect from our leaders? We need integrity, honesty, compassion, confidence and flexibility…The most important thing that you can do to preserve our rights and freedoms is vote.”

Election Day is Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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