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Saturday’s Archery Season Opener

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2020-21 Deer Season Dates

Archery: Sept. 26, 2020- Feb. 28, 2021
Private Land Antlerless Only Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Dec. 29-31, 2020
Muzzleloader: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 12-14, 2020
Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Nov. 7-8, 2020 and Jan. 2-3, 2021
Modern Gun: Nov. 14-Dec. 6 and Dec. 26-28, 2020

Statewide Bag Limit

Six deer, of which no more than two may be bucks. The statewide seasonal bag limit may be taken in any combination of zones or methods, as long as zone bag limits are not exceeded. 

Zone Bag Limit

Five deer, which may include:

  • Two antlered bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;
  • Five antlerless with archery;
  • Three antlerless with muzzleloader and modern gun combined. 

Special Regulations:

  • Dogs allowed for deer hunting Nov. 14-Dec. 6. Up to two dogs may be used to blood trail wounded deer.
  • Legal bucks must be button bucks or have at least three points on one side of their rack.
  • In Logan, Sebastian, Scott and Yell counties, the following CWD regulations apply:
    • Button bucks count as antlerless deer.
    • No antler-point restriction on buck harvest. 
    • Feeding of wildlife prohibited, except:
      • Legal baiting on private land for hunting allowed Sept. 1-Dec. 31.
      • Food plots are allowed year-round.
      • Incidental feeding of wildlife within active livestock or agricultural operations is allowed.
      • Hand-feeding of wildlife is allowed.
      • Back yard birdfeeders, squirrel feeders and birdbaths are allowed.
      • Bait is allowed for approved AGFC management, research and control of wildlife.
      • Baiting bear on private land 30 days from the beginning of bear season until Sept. 1 is allowed only with the use of dog food, cat food, pastries/bread, cooking oil, non-wildlife meat scraps, popped popcorn, fish or fish byproducts.  
    • Deer and elk taken within the CWD management zone may not leave the zone, except deboned meat, antlers cleaned skull plates, teeth, hides, taxidermy products.

Zone 7

2020-21 Deer Season Dates

Archery: Sept. 26, 2020- Feb. 28, 2021
Private Land Antlerless Only Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Dec. 29-31, 2020
Muzzleloader: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 12-14, 2020
Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt: Nov. 7-8, 2020 and Jan. 2-3, 2021
Modern Gun: Nov. 14-Dec. 6 and Dec. 26-28, 2020

Statewide Bag Limit

Six deer, of which no more than two may be bucks. The statewide seasonal bag limit may be taken in any combination of zones or methods, as long as zone bag limits are not exceeded. 

Zone Bag Limit

Five deer, which may include:

  • Two antlered bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;
  • Five antlerless with archery;
  • Three antlerless with muzzleloader and modern gun combined. 

Special Regulations:

  • Dogs allowed for deer hunting Nov. 14-Dec. 6. Up to two dogs may be used to blood trail wounded deer.
  • Legal bucks must be button bucks or have at least three points on one side of their rack.
  • In Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Pope, Sebastian, Scott and Yell counties, the following CWD regulations apply:
    • Button bucks count as antlerless deer.
    • No antler-point restrictions on buck harvest.
    • Feeding of wildlife prohibited, except:
      • Legal baiting on private land for hunting allowed Sept. 1-Dec. 31.
      • Food plots are allowed year-round.
      • Incidental feeding of wildlife within active livestock or agricultural operations is allowed.
      • Hand-feeding of wildlife is allowed.
      • Back yard birdfeeders, squirrel feeders and birdbaths are allowed.
      • Bait is allowed for approved AGFC management, research and control of wildlife.
      • Baiting bear on private land 30 days from the beginning of bear season until Sept. 1 is allowed only with the use of dog food, cat food, pastries/bread, cooking oil, non-wildlife meat scraps, popped popcorn, fish or fish byproducts.  
    • Deer and elk taken within the CWD management zone may not leave the zone, except deboned meat, antlers cleaned skull plates, teeth, hides, taxidermy products.
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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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