With the approaching 2020 General Election, Scott County Election Commissioner Steve Holland shared the following information to assist voters:
The 2020 General Election will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In late 2019 the Scott County Quorum Court passed Ordinance #2019-26 authorizing the Election Commission to establish Vote Centers in the county. On election day registered voters in Scott County will now be able to vote at any of the twelve (12) vote centers located throughout the county.

**correction on address of Mt. Pleasant Community Bldg: 8539 E. Highway 48 in Waldron.
Election Day voting hours will be from 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM.
Early Voting will begin on Monday, October 19th and end on Monday, November 2nd. Hours will be 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturdays.
Arkansas does not permit “Mail-In Voting” per se however absentee voting has been available for many years. Voters need not provide a specific reason as to why they cannot be physically present at their polling place on election day. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained by contacting the Scott County Clerk’s office at 479-637-2642. Further details regarding absentee voting as well as downloadable ballot applications are available on the Secretary of State’s website listed below. https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/elections/voter-information/absentee-voting
The health emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus has led to recommendations that Arkansans distance themselves where possible and that persons with certain health conditions take extra precautions to limit their exposure to the public.
State and local election officials are taking significant steps to ensure polling sites are safe, sanitary, and will accommodate social distancing requirements. Utilizing state and federal grants, the Scott County Election Commission has acquired a sufficient quantity of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and cleaning/disinfecting supplies to provide a safe environment for voters and election officials.
Specific procedures will be posted at the entrance to each polling site and voters are asked to closely follow the directions of election staff.
A voter’s access to the poll will NOT be limited on the basis of a health screening or the failure of the voter to wear a facial covering.
The Scott County Election Commission will continue to closely monitor all developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic and will strive to adhere to recommendations and/or policies set forth by the Arkansas Secretary of State and the Department of Health.