By Cassie Coben
On Tuesday evening at the Scott County Tea Party meeting, we were honored to have Senator Terry Rice, State Representative Marcus Richmond, and State Representative candidate Greg Bland.
Representative Richmond and his opponent Mr. Bland are both strong supporters of our 2nd amendment right, and believe it should be our own choice about the recent vaccines. They both promise to help better the education system. Representative Richmond shared with us how he helped bring Bobby Slaten home from a Saudi Arabia prison where Mr. Slaten had been wrongfully accused of murdering his wife and was sentenced to death. Thanks to Representative Richmond’s actions he is now home in Arkansas. You can learn more about Representative Marcus Richmond on this website or on Facebook. Mr. Greg Bland has a Facebook page you can find for more information.
Senator Rice spoke about the recent redistricting of Arkansas and what it will mean in this election. His own district has expanded. Senator Rice has served Arkansas faithfully for several years and is running for another term in the upcoming election. Sen. Rice’s website is.
We learned a little more about the website from Gary Epperson and Steve Holland. We will be covering more on that in future meetings.
Scott County Judge James Forbes shared some about where our tax dollars go. The school gets 85% and the rest goes to the county general fund.
February 22 is the filing day for candidates. At our March meeting, we will have more of an idea of who will be running. All of our speakers tonight stressed the importance of getting more people to vote. Out of over 5000 registered voters 2000-3000 are all that voted in the last election. We will need poll workers. There will be 12 voting centers and they all need to be staffed. Get involved!
Thank you SenatorTerry Rice, Representative Marcus Richmond, and Mr. Greg Bland for your time this evening.
Scott County Tea Party meetings are every 3rd Thursday. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. Like us on Facebook and feel free to offer any suggestions or ask about candidates. Email