45.5 F
Fort Smith
Saturday, March 8, 2025

Smoked Baked Potato Soup

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The cool temps had me wanting to make soup, but I always want to cook on the smoker too. To combine the two I poked around on Google for a little while looking to see what soups I could start on the smoker. Potato soup is my favorite, so when I came across a Smoked Baked Potato soup I was in!

This recipe is so simple, and delicious! My husband remarked it was the best potato soup I’ve ever made- and I make a good potato soup if I do say so myself. 


-6 Russet potatoes

-12 ounces bacon

-4 Tbsp butter

-1 small onion, diced

-1 Tbsp minced garlic

-1/4 cup flour

-4 cup milk

-1 cup chicken broth

-1 tsp onion powder

-Salt and pepper to taste

-1 cup sour cream


  1. 1. Preheat smoker to 375*. 
  2. 2. Wash potatoes and poke holes all around with a fork. Place potatoes directly on the grill grates. Lay bacon strips on a baking pan and place on the grill. The bacon will be cooked in about 20-25 minutes, remove pan and chop bacon into 1/2” or so pieces. Let sit while the potatoes finish.
  3. 3. After about an hour the potatoes should be done. Remove from grill and peel, or if a more rustic potato soup is your goal, leave peeling on and mash. This is how I did mine, and just removed the largest pieces of peeling.
  4. 4.In a Dutch oven melt butter, add onions and garlic. Cook until onions are tender, 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add flour and sauté together with the onion mixture, when combined slowly add in milk, then chicken broth. Put in potatoes and most of the bacon, saving some for garnish if desired. Stir in sour cream.
  6. 5. Season with onion powder, salt, and pepper .
  1. Enjoy!
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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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