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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Smoked Queso Recipe

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Do you ever go to do something multiple times and forget what you are doing every single time? That has been me writing this article. I knew I wanted to share this recipe, made it and made sure to snap a photo, and forgot. Then remembered, then forgot again, repeat a bunch of times.

But here we are, and I’m finally getting things done! A week later than expected. Such is life. Maybe someone needs this recipe right now and wouldn’t have remembered it for a full week.

To make smoked queso you need an aluminum pan, pellet smoker, Velveeta or similar (cheaper is fine) brand, block cheddar cheese, can of rotel, minced garlic, and cooked beef/chorizo/sausage if preferred.

Preheat grill to 200*.

Chunk up cheeses into 1-1.5 inch cubes, pour remaining ingredients in aluminum cake pan, cover with foil. 

Stir occasionally, cook for 1.5-2 hours for best smoky flavor. 

You can easily customize this recipe to your taste! We leave out meat often and use to top tacos. It’s also delicious as nachos and makes an easy meal without heating the house! 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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