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Spring County Wide Cleanup Campaign

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The County Wide cleanup will begin on Saturday, April 1st and end on Saturday, April 29th. Dumpsters for the County five cleanup sites are provided in the County’s contract with CARDS. The County cleanup sites dumpsters are managed by Road Department Employees, with an “E-waste trailer” provided by the Solid Waste District.

County Government and City Governments cooperating in cleanup campaigns has significantly impacted illegal dumping activities and overall cleanliness of our Sebastian County Communities. Support of the Sebastian County Solid Waste District also improved our cleanup campaigns.

It is our understanding that the County Solid Waste Collection Company, CARDS, also provides “cleanup campaign” support for four cities, Lavaca, Barling, Greenwood and Hackett in their individual city agreements. We understand CARDS provides “collection services”, for Bonanza, Huntington, Midland, Hartford, and Central City, with no direct contracted support for cleanups. The City of Mansfield operates their own collection service and will need to obtain services for a city cleanup. Jason Fitzgerald is the CARDS representative at 501-607-4898. Dumpsters for each city cleanup, if provided by CARDS, are $275 plus $50 per ton for disposal. Cleanup campaigns are an opportunity to encourage community participation in cleanup activities.

Spring County Cleanup Schedule
Saturday, April 1 7AM – 2PM – Midland – County Park/Boyer Park Hwy 45
Saturday, April 8 7AM – 2PM – Milltown/Washburn Fire Station
Saturday, April 15 7AM – 2PM – White Bluff Fire Station at 2731 Gate Nine Road
Saturday, April 22 7AM – 2PM – Greenwood – Road Yard
Saturday, April 29 7AM – 2PM – Lavaca Rural – Rodeo Arena Parking Lot – Rodeo Arena Road Dumpsters will be placed by 7:00 AM on Saturday and will be picked up by 2:00 PM on the same day. Dumpsters are picked up by 2:00 PM in order to be hauled to the Landfill and dumped by closing time (3:30 PM. Typically, additional dumpsters will not be ordered after 1:30 P.M.

All household trash must be in bags before bringing to the site to dispose of. The following items are not acceptable for “cleanup dumpsters” due to Landfill regulations: *TV’s and Computers – Electronic Equipment (place in E-Waste trailers located at each county site) **Tires
• Yard waste, grass, leaves and brush
• Used Oil
• Batteries
• Hazardous or toxic wastes
• Cleaning chemicals
• Herbicides or pesticides
• Paints or liquids of any kind
• Fluorescent Bulbs
• Freon containing appliances using Freon MUST have the compressor removed before it can be accepted

*E-Waste Policy
The County coordinated with the Solid Waste District to dispose of electronics at each of the County Cleanup Sites during the designated time and date. There will be trailers at each site the day o the cleanup for residents to dispose of Tv’s and Computers.
**Tire Disposal Policy – There will be no Pickup of Tires During the Countywide Spring Cleanup County residents may dispose of up to four passenger tires, without rims at no charge during the cleanup campaign in April, by taking the tires to the disposal site located at 601 Oak Grove Road in Van Buren Monday through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. no tires accepted on Saturdays, you may contact John Spence (479)652-3705 if you have questions.
Burn Barrels for Trash are Illegal Barrels are illegal to burn trash. It is illegal to burn trash in the State of Arkansas. Barrels with trash must be taken to the Fort Smith Landfill for disposal. This is a safety issue.
White Goods White goods appliances, refrigerators, etc. may be placed in a designated area with the County Road Department disposing of these items on the day of the cleanup date in your area. Refrigerators, Freezers, Air Conditioners, MUST HAVE COMPRESSORS REMOVED.

This cleanup is for Residents only and NOT for Commercial Dumping Follow up contact: County Judge’s office at 479-783-6139 Solid Waste District at 479-452-4104

Recap of Spring 2023 County and City Cleanup Schedules
Countywide Cleanup Schedule
April 1 Lavaca Rural – Rodeo Arena Road
April 8 Milltown/Washburn Fire Station
April 15 White Bluff Fire Station – 2731 Gate Nine Road
April 22 Greenwood Road Department
April 29 Midland Bob Boyer

City Cleanup Schedule
April 12-15 Lavaca 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. each day at 904 N Davis, Lavaca
April 22 & April 29 Fort Smith 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
April 22 Mansfield
April 28 & 29 Barling

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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