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Friday, March 14, 2025

Spring Flowers Are Coming

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Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Think warm thoughts. Is it working? The forecast looks so cold and wet. That darn groundhog has predicted six more weeks of winter!

If you are feeling like me, you are just ready for some color in your yard! I noticed I had two Morning Glories already opened up. Then I noticed the blooms at the top of the Daffodils. There are a few more plants that will soon be blooming as well, despite the lingering winter weather!

If you are looking to start some seeds or plant some bulbs there are a number of plants that can be started now!

1. Gardenias- many varieties are cold hardy, and getting them started now will have them blooming beautifully just in time for Mother’s Day!

2. Azaleas- a variety of color options and long blooming season make this flower worthwhile to grow.

3. Pansy- why “Pansy” is used as an insult I will never understand, these resilient little flowers are colorful and hardy.

4. Herbs- whether you have room inside for herbs,or are starting a small herb garden outside; now is an excellent time to start growing your own!

Scientists believe there is a natural antidepressant in soil! It’s time to shake off those winter blues and get planting, or start checking the Daffodils around you. Either way, the beautiful colors of spring will be here before we know it.

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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