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Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Question For Our Day…?

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By Vestal Hutchens

It would seem that our country, our society and culture, even civilization and the entire world, has problems beyond solution. There is political division and animus; divisive social, economic, and religious issues; wars; rioting, looting, and burning; all resulting in the loss of life and property.

What is the answer?

Perhaps, before we will be able to find the right answer, we need to find and ask the right question.

I propose that there is a “Question For Our Day.” For the question to be the right question, its scope would have to cover the entire spectrum, from the individual to the group (family, community, church, job), even to our national identity as Americans.

Before I reveal what I think the question for our day IS, I will share what I believe the question for our day is NOT.

The question for our day is not: Do black lives matter? It is not: Do white lives matter? It is not: Do blue lives matter? It is not even does my life or your life matter.

I believe the “Question For Our Day” is:


(The answer is, if you don’t know Jesus, then everything. If you do know Him, and aren’t obeying His Word and the directing influence of His Holy Spirit, then still plenty.)

Look inward, examine yourself, follow the Biblical example of confession, repentance, and forgiveness. Your “life” will be better in all circumstances (even the difficult ones,) and will influence those in all areas of contact with your life.

The question for our day? What is the matter with my life?

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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