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Monday, January 13, 2025

The Time To Cheer Is Here

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

With Spring comes many new beginnings. Babies are born, flowers are in bloom, and cheerleaders are discovered. During the week of April 29-May 3, the Waldron Cheer Coaches are holding their Jr High cheer clinic. Try-outs will be on Monday, May 6. Coaching for the Bulldogs is Sr High Coach, Crystal Lipham, and newcomer Jr High Coach, Kristen Atchley. Although Kristen has been employed with the Waldron School District for three years, this will be her first time as a Bulldogs Cheer Coach.

Coach Lipham teaching proper technique

Coach Lipham and Coach Atchley will be rolling out a whole new cheer program for the Bulldogs. With the new changes, the coaches are hoping to take their Jr High and Sr High cheer teams all the way to the top of the cheer competition ladder. Both Bulldogs and Lady Bulldogs understand that if they make the team, they will be required to put in the work and push themselves that extra mile.

Coach Kristen Atchley gives her thoughts on the new program, “Crystal and I work really well together and we are dedicated to lifting this program up. I’m excited about what’s in store for next year. Great things are happening in Waldron and I am blessed to get the chance to be a part of that!”

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