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Monday, March 17, 2025

Turn The Towns Teal, a National Awareness Campaign for Ovarian Cancer

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Turn The Towns Teal®, a national campaign whose mission is to raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer, its often subtle symptoms and risk factors, launches its 16h Annual Awareness Campaign in September which is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Teal is the color associated with ovarian cancer.

EVERY WOMAN is at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Knowing the subtle symptoms and risk factors can literally save a woman’s life. If detected in its early stages, the success rate is 90-95%. As of today, there is NO conclusive early detection test.

Turn The Towns Teal® has been represented in all 5o states. The campaign has grown from the original 20 registrants to over 650 registrants last year; this literally translates to thousands of women, men and children throughout the USA participating. The campaign’s success proves its importance.

Turn The Towns Teal® is a 3-tiered campaign: Volunteers can 1) “Teal” their town(s), 2) “Teal” their neighborhoods, businesses, places of worship, etc. and/or 3) “Teal” their personal homes. Participants can register for any tier on our website to get involved and order their campaign materials.

Volunteers tie Teal ribbons throughout their towns,
neighborhoods, businesses and at their homes. Additionally they distribute symptom cards and brochures, display lawn signs, etc., and many wear Turn The Towns Teal® t- shirts and hats. These materials alert the public about this disease. All campaign materials are made in the USA.

“Turn The Towns Teal@’s clever, alliterative title and the campaign was the inspiration of Gail MacNeil (Chatham, NJ 1943-2008). She knew only all too well that there was not enough awareness about Ovarian Cancer and literally created it for others so that they would not have to go through what she and her family endured for 10 years Awareness is our primary mission; however, there are other important aspects of the campaign. Our survivors now feel that their disease is finally being recognized and they want to educate the public. Additionally, those who have lost someone to ovarian cancer find it cathartic to continue the campaign in honor of their loved one. We KNOW for a fact that this campaign has saved women’s lives”, states Jane MacNeil, now President of the Campaign.

• Bloating
• Pelvic or abdominal pain/discomfort
• Vague but persistent gastrointestinal upsets
• Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
• Urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency)
• Unexplained changes in bowel habits
• Unexplained weight gain/loss
• Ongoing unusual fatigue
• Back pain
• Menstrual changes
• Pain during intimacy

If these symptoms persist for 10 days to 2 weeks, consult your gynecologist, physician OR preferably a gynecological oncologist

• Genetic predisposition (BRCA1 / BRCA2 gene)
• Personal or family history of breast, ovarian or colon cancer
• Increasing age
• Reproductive history and infertility
• Hormone replacement therapy

A Pap test does NOT detect Ovarian Cancer

Turn The Towns Teal® was trademarked by Gail’s husband; he applied for and was granted 501 (C) (3) nonprofit status. Note: None of the officers take any compensation from the campaign. www.turnthetownsteal.org.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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