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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Various Types of Shooting Ranges That Exist

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If you own a firearm, you’ll probably want to take it to a shooting range at some point, whether it’s to train to become a more accurate shot or simply for the thrill of it. We’ve compiled a list of the various types of shooting ranges that exist so that you’ll know which one will be the best fit for you.

Outdoor Shooting Range

If you’re looking for a truly authentic shooting experience, you’ll want to check out an outdoor shooting range. Here, you can do long-range as well as short-range shooting. Most locations also have clay pigeons that you can shoot if you have a shotgun. Some gun limitations apply, but you’re pretty much free to use whatever you want due to the openness of the range.

Indoor Shooting Range

If you’re trying to avoid the unpredictable weather that comes with the outdoors, an indoor shooting range is the place to go. However, these ranges come with some limitations. The biggest one is the shorter shooting distance. Having targets hundreds of feet away isn’t feasible indoors, so you can only practice your short-range shots at these locations. Also, everyone will be closer together by necessity, which makes certain guns unsafe either due to their volume or the type of bullets they use.

Archery Range

Who said you need a gun to shoot? Using a bow is just as fun if you’re looking for an enjoyable way to pass the time. There are much fewer restrictions on bows, too. Archery ranges can be indoors, but they’re normally outside.

Air Rifle Range

Here’s another type of range that doesn’t use real guns. Air rifles use compressed air to fire pellets through the barrel. They don’t have the wow factor of an actual firearm, but they’re great for accuracy, which is why they’re used in competitions such as the Olympics. Their weaker strength means they’re best for shorter distances, hence why the ranges are usually indoors.

Miniature Rifle Range

For our final type of shooting range, we’ll be covering another shooting sport that’s featured in the Olympics. This sport uses guns that fire .22-caliber bullets. These miniature rifles are quite small but just as precise, so they’re typically used for targets that are over 100 feet away. That means the ranges are typically outside, and if you want to get competitive with your shooting, this is the type of place you’ll want to go to.

Regardless of which type of range you choose, all we ask is that you understand firearm safety before going. That way, you won’t do anything that could put someone else’s life in danger, and you can stop someone else from making the same mistake.

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