When we found out our second baby would be another boy I knew we wouldn’t have to buy very much in terms of gear! We saved all of our oldest’s, well, everything. I also knew I wasn’t planning to go back to work. I needed something that would allow us to get out of the house, and could hold both kids.
I often use a baby wrap with the baby still, but I found a stroller-wagon that would hold his car seat should I need to not be holding him. I also knew I wanted a wagon despite us already having two regular strollers from my first. I wanted it to have the ability to grow with us, and last a long time.

So we bought a Jeep stroller-wagon- it hit all my marks! It allows us to walk to the pond to go fish, we take it for a lot of walks when everyone is crabby and we need outside. It also has enough room that I can add our portable baby bed and allow the baby to nap outside in it.

A wagon allows me to keep adventuring with my kids and save my sanity. We love ours and recommend wagons over strollers every chance we get now! It’s just much more practical for outdoor families.