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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Waldron City Council Meets

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

The Waldron City Council met on Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. Just prior to that meeting, a second public hearing was held for the community development block grant program.

“One of the first things people look at when moving to the city is walk-ability. I’m really proud of our sidewalks. The next thing they look at is parks. I think we are moving in the right direction,” commented Mayor David Millard.

Future projects will include sidewalk additions to 2nd Street and the Tyson Industrial park area.

After approving the minutes from the March meeting, Police Chief Jeremy Hunt reported the following:

Robberies- 0
sex crimes-2
crimes against a person-11
theft of property- 5
vehicle theft-0
traffic citation-21
warrants served-13
public intoxication-3
missing persons/runaways-0
traffic accidents-13
total of 77 cases reported with 29 arrests

Alderman June Haas inquired about a recent incident that had happened at the city park involving alleged bullying. Chief Hunt said he was not aware of any report that had been filed. Waldron City Attorney Mark Johnson said he would include a section on bullying on the new city park ordinance. Alderman Kelly Slaten said she too wants to see an ordinance to regulate park activities. Johnson indicated that he will come to the next meeting with a draft of that ordinance for the council to review.

Mayor Millard reminded everyone of the first annual “Mayor Dave’s Easter Egg Hunt.” There will be lots of prizes, including four bicycles and two tricycles.


City Superintendent Brandon Nelson reported on two water leaks, continued work at the water treatment plant and dog complaints. Alderman Dave Tull asked about the new city trash truck. The city purchased the truck expecting advertised items such as a back up camera and a clean body. However, upon delivery, it was discovered the truck had chassis rust, no back up camera and damage from delivery. Nelson has tried to work with the seller over the phone but the city attorney indicated it may become necessary for him to become involved. “I hope we don’t have to get involved legally, but it looks like that may happen,” stated Johnson.

Next, Greg Walker with Landmark Engineering reported on the audit for the city’s water and wastewater department. “As usual it’s been great, working with Sherry (Johnston) has been a great experience. She always gets everything to us on time….There were no issues with the audit.”

The council voted unanimously to authorize the mayor to enter into two contracts, one for the waste water treatment plant oxidation ditch aerator replacement and the other for the water treatment plant backwash de-chlorination addition.

With no other items of business, the meeting of the Waldron city council was adjourned.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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