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Waldron Nursing Center News – February 16, 2016

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

Story by Christine Lees LSW/ADC
Mrs. Shelley Welch’s Learning Academy Class brings lots of Valentines to help fill the Residents Valentine holders, referencing the above image.
Congratulations to Waldron Nursing Center residents  Paul Davis and Johna Rich for being elected by popular vote as Valentine King And Queen at the Special Wednesday morning activity of “Valentine Masquerade Ball” complete with the wearing of different mask, lots of dancing, then the crowing of the King and Queen. The voting boxes were placed at the nurse desk a couple of weeks ago and anyone that wished could cast a vote for the person they would like to see as our Valentine King and Queen. Out of all the votes cast these two received the most votes. King Paul and Queen Johna both received a crown, along with Valentine bears with a box of candy and their certificate declaring them to be Valentine King and Queen. Everyone that was nominated for King and Queen also received a certificate. Besides King Paul, there was Ronald Bickford, John Cloptin, Edward Doak, Sam Giddens, Kellow Holland, Vester Hutchens, Jimmy Mize, Granville Stuart, all nominated for King. Besides Queen  Johna there was Barbara Belknap, Diane Brennan, Judy Cheesman, Barbara Hay, Thelma Lawson, Mary Jo Maxey, Fern Powell, Jean Plummer, Gladys Thompson, Gladys Simpson, Joyce Thompson, Norma Williams, Fern Yandell, Virginia Yandell, Eula Davis and Gertrude Shelton.
Other activities last week included Sunday singing with Rick Byce, movie with Alex, Reminiscence with Diane Miller, Monday night services with Temple Baptist group, bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon with our good volunteers, Joanna Strozier, Doyle Wayne & Karen, Pat Morales, helping out at the games. We are in desperate need of more volunteers to help residents at the games with their cards on Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 2-3 PM. Our group has really grown and we need more help. So if you have a spare hour and would like to get a real blessing come and help one of our residents with their card and see the look of happiness on their faces when they bingo. Tuesday night was a great time with the Blue grass singers, Roger Sparks and group, exercises, painting nails, scrap-book red hat meeting, and lots of Valentine crafts. This weeks activities of keeping residents busy while the bug was present was lots of one on one activities of word puzzles, art pages, trivia games with Alex and Billie along with our Special activity of “Big Mouth”. Quiet a few were able to attend this activity and enjoyed knocking the teeth back in the Big Mouth. Prizes of Valentine box candy and M & M’s. We were also able to do a smaller group of bingo players, Thanks to Joanna for calling the bingo numbers.

Alex Carter, Activity Assistant, gives everyone instructions on how to play the Special Activity game of “Big Mouth.”

We welcome a new church to our Saturday afternoon activity at 2:00 PM from the Lighthouse church with pastor Diago Rodriguez. We are proud to have them join in our activity program on the fourth Saturday of the month.
Congratulations also goes out to James Beaver, CNA on the evening shift,  for being elected as “employee of the month” besides his plaque he received $100. in cash. Congrates also to Proud parents & our Nurse Charles Strozier & wife McKayla, along with Granny Billie Strozier, who just happens to have photos of new grand son- Baby Rowan Lane Strozier-weighing in at 5 lb 2 oz.
James Beaver, Nursing Assistant, evening shift, was elected as “employee of the month” along with his plaque he received $100. in cash.

Thanks goes out to all those that have been bringing the magazines and books along with bingo prizes from Marie Payton and Teresa Brixley. The residents really get big eyes when they see all of the new prizes on the prize table. Also to all of those who helped fill the Valentine holders, Pleasant Hill EH Club, Oleta Goodner Lewis, Tony & Vanessa, Mrs. Welch’s Learning Academy students as well as lots of the employees and co-residents exchanging Valentines. There was also lots of beautiful flower arrangements, a huge Teddy Bear and lots of cards and candy that arrived for the residents from family members and friends.
Due to the flu bug that arrived this week some of our group activities that are provided by the different Churches and singing groups had to be rescheduled. We are so appreciative of their understanding. We also don’t want them to catch the bug which we are expecting  be passed in a few more days. Remember that you may call the nurse desk 24-7 to check on your loved one.
In closing we are so blessed to have all of the caring people  in our community who help us out with the bingo prizes as well as the ones that I buy with our Christmas money that was given me at Christmas time from the BPW club and Packsaddle Church. These donations help with getting extra nice prizes for our activities.

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