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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Waldron School Board Meets

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The regular monthly meeting of the Waldron School Board was held in the Central Office Building Monday, June 10, 2024,at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Mac Davis, Angela Hunsucker, Konnor McKay and Stan Cottrell. Board member Clay Woodall was not present.  Others present were Superintendent Daniel Fielding, Misty Owens, Chris Lipham, Darla Jeffery, Tonya Cluck, Cheyenne Smith, Zack Taylor, Toni Dozier, Josh Atchley and Kristi Sigman.

Vice-President Davis called the meeting to order at 6:32p.m. 

Mr. Davis welcomed everyone.

Mr. McKay began the meeting with a word of prayer.

Mrs. Angela Hunsucker led the Pledge of Allegiance.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the Consent Agenda items: A) Approval of the May 13th Minutes; B) Approve Financial Reports and Expenditures; C) Approve Invoice to Doggett Freightliner; D) Approve SHI Purchase Order for Annual Microsoft License; E) Approve Nearpod Purchase Order for Subscription; F) Approve AR App 2024-25 Assurances and GEPA Statement. Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to approve the Petition for Transfer of Students.  Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the 2024-25 School Level Improvement Plans.  Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to add Item C) Approve ASBA Invoices for the 2024/25 school years.  Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to approve the ASBA Invoices for the 2024/25 school year.  Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to add Item D) Approve Invoice to County Line School District.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to approve the Invoice to County Line School District.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to add Item E) Resolution to Comply with Act 1105.  Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to approve the resolution to comply with ACT 1105 of the 2017 regular legislative session regarding 20% carryover balance.  The Board authorizes the Superintendent and district treasurer to move any amount above $2,000,000 ending balance in the 2000 funds to the building fund after categorical and restricted funds are first deducted from the ending balance. Motion carried 4-0.

​Mrs. Jeffery reported that there is an average of 60 students attending summer camp.  Assistant Superintendent Chris Lipham reminded the board members of the Dog Days of Summer, with several events happening at the football stadium on June 22nd.

Superintendent Daniel Fielding reported that the Learns Act is offering funding to help with tutoring options, more to come on that in the future.  

​Adjourned to executive session.  Time dismissed:  6:53   Time returned:  7:34

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to accept the resignation of Ericka Shrum as HS Teacher as of the end of 2023/24 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to accept the resignation of Cheyenne Owens, Bus Driver as of the end of 2023/24 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to hire Nonnie Thompson as High School Paraprofessional and Cassie Staggs as Elementary School Paraprofessional for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​ A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to hire Donald McBride as Elementary Music Teacher for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Stan Cottrell to hire Matt Euler as Middle School Assistant Principal for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Konnor McKay to hire Tyler Hankins as MS Computer ScienceTeacher, Assistant Sr. High Football, Assistant Jr. High Football, Assistant 7th Grade Football, Assistant 7th Grade Basketball, Assistant Sr. High Basketball and Assistant Baseball Coach for the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 4-0.

​A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to hire David Jones as Level 1 Bus Driver with 9 years’ experience as of the 2024/25 SY.  Motion carried 4-0. 

​A motion was made by Stan Cottrell and seconded by Konnor McKay to adjourn. Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
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