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Waldron School Board Meets

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The regular monthly meeting of the Waldron School Board was held in the Central Office Building Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Board members present were Clay Woodall,Angela Hunsucker, Mac Davis, Konnor McKay and Stan Cottrell.  Others present were Superintendent Daniel Fielding, Misty Owens, Kim Solomon, Keith Brigance, Cheyenne Smith,Zack Taylor, Darla Jeffery, Kristi Sigman, Josh Atchley, Chelsea Ridenhour, Natalie Cadena and Chris Lipham.

President Clay Woodall called the meeting to order at 6:32p.m. 

Konnor McKay began the meeting with a word of prayer.

​Angela Hunsucker led the Pledge of Allegiance.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the Consent Agenda items: A) Approval of the October 21st Minutes; B) Approve Financial Reports and Expenditures; C) Approve Purchase Order to Great Minds; D) Approve Purchase Order to Lexia; E) Approve Purchase Order to Wilson Learning Training Corporation.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve policies 4.5, 4.5F, 4.5F2, 4.5F3, 4.5F4 and 4.5F5-School Choice Policy.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Konnor McKay and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to approve the recommendation of Superintendent Daniel Fielding to give all licensed and classified employees a one-time bonus in the amount of $500.00 to be paid November 22nd.   Motion carried 5-0.

​Each of the principals reported on the things that are happening at their building. Mrs. Solomon reported that ABC/First Step went Trick-or-Treating at the Waldron Nursing Home.  ABC Preschool has a few spots open for students while First Step is at capacity.  Mrs. Jeffery informed the board of multiple things that have occurred and that are coming up at Waldron Elementary, some of which include; Museum of Wonder presented to the students this week, there is an attendance war going on between grades and the Read-A-Thonis underway.  Mr. Taylor informed the board of all the activities happening at the Middle School, some of which include; Red Ribbon Week (Mrs. Fielding did a great job organizing this), Socials that have started back up, Veterans Days program, Parent Night Paint Party, Hydration Station, and Teacher Spirit Week. Mr. Taylor also informed the board members of the Choir concert that will be December 5th at 6:00.   Mr. Atchley had many things to add which included that the FFA attended National Convention in Indianapolis, IN, WHS Band competed at State Monday, November 11th , Work keys and interims will be coming up next week.  

​Assistant Superintendent Chris Lipham reported that Waldron High Band placed 8th out of 26 bands at State on Monday.  Cross Country State Meet was a success with Teagan Johnson finishing 9th place overall. Emily Defoor received All-State in Cross Country.  Cheerleading competitions are underway for both Senior High and Junior High Cheerleaders. He also reported that Archery received a grant to be able to purchase the equipment necessary to host Qualifier events, first event will be January 24, 2025.

​Superintendent Fielding informed the board members that he has been working diligently with the insurance consultant on the insurance claim for hail damage done to the Elementary School roof.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Stan Cottrell to approve the resignation of Kiley Hill from Middle School Special Education Paraprofessional as of December 20, 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.

​A motion was made by Mac Davis and seconded by Angela Hunsucker to hire Lacey Hamilton for Food Service effective November 1, 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Angela Hunsucker and seconded by Stan Cottrell to adjourn.  Motion carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

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Tammy Teague
Tammy Teague
Tammy is the heart behind the brand. Her tenacity to curate authentic journalism, supported by a genuine heart is one her many wholesome qualities.
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